Worley's Dallas City Directory, 1901 / Table of Contents

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Worley's Dallas City Street Directory, 1901

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Worley's Dallas City Street Directory, 1911

Worley's Dallas City Directory, 1901
(Alphabetical Listing Section)

Title page

Aanilson, Albert thru Abendroth & Root Mfg Co./page 97

Abercrombie, Thomas W. thru Adams, Ernest R./page 98

Adams, Eugene thru Adkins, Louis E./page 99

Adkinson, David G. thru Alcott, Charles/page 100

Alcott, Elbert thru Aldridge, Ambrose D./page 101

Aldridge, A. D. & Co. thru All Saints Episcopal Church/page 102

(Aldridge & Co. full page ad/page 103)

Alla, Mose thru Allen, Samuel/page 104

Allen, Stephen A. thru Ambrose, W. S./page 105

American Baptist Publication Society of Philadelphia
Anderson, Boyd/page 106

Anderson, B. R. & Bro. thru Anderson, Nelson/page 107

Anderson, Nora thru Ankele, Daniel J./page 108

Ankele, Miss Eliza thru Ardinger, Wm. H./page 109

Ardrey, Alexander C. thru Armstrong, Mrs. T. E./page 110

Armstrong, Vene P. thru Asavado, Elarie/page 111

Asbery, William R. thru Aultman-Taylor Machinery Co./page 112

Aunspaugh, Miss Florence Y. thru Ayres, Willis E./page 113

Babb, Joel G. thru Baer, Jacob/page 114

Baer, Sylvan thru Baker, Charles G./page 115

Baker, Collins thru Baldwin, John S./page 116

Baldwin, John T. thru Banks, Wm. S./page 117

Bantz, Fredrick W. thru Barlow, Henry/page 118

Barlow, Henry Z. thru Barr, George T./page 119

Barr, Miss Jennie thru Bartlett, Herbert N./page 120

Bartlett, James thru Bates, Frank P./page 121

Bates, Miss Grace thru Beachem, Allen/page 122

Beachem, Lee thru Beck, Will J./page 123

Becke, Charles J. thru Behrens, Christian H./page 124

Beilharz, Ernest thru Bellew, James/page 125

Bellis, Aleck thru Bennett, George D./page 126

Bennett, Henrietta thru Berger, Philip/page 127

Berger, Miss Rosa thru Best, Charles/page 128

Best, Daniel thru Bidermon, Miss Rosa/page 129

Biederstaedt, Max thru Bishop, J. H./page 130

Bishop, Lodviske M. thru Blair, John W./page 131

Blair, J. B. thru Bledsoe, Frank/page 132

Bledsoe, Jerry thru Boccius, Adolph/page 133

Bochiero, Peter thru Boland, George/page 134

Boland, Thomas S. thru Bond, Stephen D./page 135

Bond, Tom thru Borgman, Miss Mollie/page 136

Borich, Peter S. thru Bowen, Miss Emma/page 137

Bowen, George A. thru Bowman, Isaac G./page 138

Bowman, Joseph R. thru Boydstun, Charles R./page 139

Boydstun, John B. thru Bradley, Thomas D./page 140

Bradley, Walter thru Brannan, Charles/page 141

Brannan, Miss Christina thru Brennan, Patrick H./page 142

Brenneisen, Edward W. thru Briggs, John R./page 143

Briggs Machinery & Supply Co. thru Broad, George T./page 144

Broadhurst, James M. thru Brooks, C. H. & Co./page 145

Brooks, David thru Brown, Andrew/page 146

Brown, Andrew J. thru Brown, Henry H./page 147

Brown, Henry S. thru Brown, Nathaniel/page 148

Brown, Miss Nina thru Brownlee, Harry F./page 149

Brownleigh, Dora B. thru Bryant, David/page 150

Bryant, Della thru Buckner, Murrell Lee/page 151

Buckner, Nathan thru Bumpas, Clarence C./page 152

Bumpas & Co. thru Burk, Arthur L./page 153

Burk & Co. thru Burnett, Miss Sallie/page 154

Burnett, Samuel J. thru Burr Oak Jersey farm/page 155

Burrage, C. R. thru Bustrin, Miss Bertha/page 156

Bustrin, Wm. thru Byron, Thomas W./page 157

Cabell, Archie B. thru Caldwell, Henry G./page 158

Caldwell, Hugh T. thru Cameron, S. J./page 159

Cammack, Miss Anna thru Campbell, Thomas H./page 160

Campbell, Walter H. thru Capehert, Daniel/page 161

Capell, Malcolm S. thru Carnes, James J./page 162

Carnes, James J., Jr. thru Carrico's Band and Orchestra/page 163

Carrico, M. W. thru Carter, Fannie/page 164

Carter, Frank thru Cary, Fred L./page 165

Cary, Jesse O. thru Catholic Cemetery/page 166

Cato, Jalone A. thru Chaffin, Robert B./page 167

Challenge Wind Mill & Feed Mill Co. thru Chapman, John H./page 168

Chapman, Joseph A. thru Cheik, Foster W./page 169

Chemical Engine Co. No. 1 thru Chipman, Zibe T./page 170

Chisholm, John W. thru City National Bank/page 171

City Land and Gravel Co. thru Clark, James P./page 172

Clark, James R. thru Clarksville Compress Co./page 173

Clawson, W. A. thru Clisby, Frank R./page 174

Clopton, Charles M. thru Cobb, James W./page 175

Cobb, J. Hillis thru Cohn, Morris/page 176

Cohn, Miss Reta thru Cole, Wm./page 177

Cole, William E. thru Collin, James/page 178

Collin, Jefferson thru Colored Public School No. 3/page 179

Colored Public School No. 4 thru Conkling, William H./page 180

Conkling's Planing Mill thru Conquest, Stephen L./page 181

Conrad, Antone J. thru Cook, William B./page 182

Cooke, Hamilton thru Cooper, Sidney B./page 183

Cooper, S. Eddy thru Cornelius, Early/page 184

Cornelius, James thru Cotton Belt Route/page 185

Cotton, Connie thru Cowens, Wm./page 186

Cowert, Robert L. thru Craddock, Haywood/page 187

Craddock, Mrs. Janie thru Crawford, Eliza A./page 188

Crawford, Miss Elizabeth F. thru Crippen, Kirby W./page 189

Crisler, Charles C. thru Crosland, Nellie/page 190

Cross, Coffield thru Crozier, Granville H./page 191

Cruell, Margaret thru Cullum, T. Marvin/page 192

Culmore, Archibald M. thru Curcher, Martin L./page 193

Curl, Julia thru Daffan, Charles H./page 194

Daffin, Wm. C. thru Dallas Cotton Mills (Inc.)/page 195

Dallas County Court House thru Dallas Law Library/page 196

Dallas Lithograph Co. thru
Dallas Steam Laundry & Dye Works/page 197

Dallas Storage & Warehouse Co. thru
Daniel, Mrs. Maude E./page 198

(full page ad for Dallas Transfer & Cab Co./page 199)

Daniel, Meda thru Darnell, Samuel P./page 200

Darrell, Benjamin F. thru Davidson, Samuel/page 201

Davidson, William H. thru Davis, Miss Hollie/page 202

Davis, Horace A. thru Davis, Samuel F./page 203

Davis, Samuel J. thru Day, Elbert S./page 204

Day, Mrs. Esther thru Dearman, William/page 205

Deason, Miss Clara Belle thru Degn, Jens P./page 206

DeGrazier, James thru Dennis, Estelle/page 207

Dennis, Francis thru DeWoody, Clyde J./page 208

Dexter, Charles L. & Co. thru Dietz, George/page 209

Dietz, Miss Mary thru District Courts/page 210

Ditamus, Thomas thru Dodson, John B./page 211

Dodson, E. C. & Co. thru Donowsky, Israel/page 212

Donowsky, Jake thru Dougherty, Frank M./page 213

Dougherty, Jennie thru Downing, Otto P./page 214

Downs, Eugene thru Drodge, George P./page 215

Droke, Miss Bessie thru Duke, Samuel D./page 216

Duke, William R. thru Dunlap, George B./page 217

Dunlap, George P. thru Dysart, Miss Florence/page 218

Dysart, James L. thru Easley, Dan/page 219

Easley, Edward V. thru Edmonson, Cate/page 220

Edmonson, Clarence thru Edwards, Stephen/page 221

Edwards, Thomas A. thru Eldridge, John R./page 222

Eldridge, Miss Katie thru Ellis, James H./page 223

Ellis, Jesse T. thru Emmert, Robert G./page 224

Emmerson, William thru Eppstein, Max/page 225

Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York thru
Eubank, Miss Jennie/page 226

Eubanks, Charles E. thru Everhart, Sallie/page 227

Everman, John W. thru Faierstein, Morytz/page 228

Fain, Jesse E. thru Farmer, John/page 229

Farmer, Thomas thru Feagan, Louis C./page 230

Feagan, William F. thru Ferguson, Bettie/page 231

Ferguson, Charles W. thru Fidelity Savings Assn/page 232

(full page ad for Fidelity Mutual Insurance Co./page 233)

Field, Miss Carrie thru Finley, Francis/page 234

Finley, Harriet R. thru Fisher, Miss Deanie/page 235

Fisher, Edward L. thru Flanagan, Richard K./page 236

Flanagan, William thru Fletcher, Alfred/page 237

Fletcher, Ella thru Floyd, Mary H./page 238

Floyd, Miss Ola thru Ford, Christine/page 239

Ford & Co. thru Fort, James K./page 240

Fort, John I. thru Fox, Fred/page 241

Fox, Fred W. thru Franklin, Isaac/page 242

Franklin, James B. thru Freeman, Charles F./page 243

Freeman, Clarkson C. thru Frick, Adolph/page 244

Frick, Adolph J. thru Frost, John/page 245

Fry, Clair thru Fusselman, Warren B./page 246

Gable, Elizabeth thru Gallaway, Samuel M./page 247

Galle, Julia thru Ganzer, Helene/page 248

Ganzer, James M. thru Garrard, Frank F./page 249

Garretson, William H. thru Gaston, Miss Annie/page 250

Gaston & Ayres thru Geen Jr., Arthur/page 251

Geen, Douglas H. thru Gibson, Edgar E./page 252

Gibson, Fred C. thru Giles, Charles/page 253

Giles, Miss Ethel L. thru Gilroy, John/page 254

Gilroy, Stephen thru Glover, Edward/page 255

Glover, John M. thru Godwin, John D./page 256

Godwin, Joseph J. thru Goldsmith, Samuel/page 257

Goldstein, Aaron thru Goodenson, Samuel/page 258

Goodjohn, Maggie thru Gordon, J. Riely Co. (Inc.)/page 259

Gordon, Love thru Graham, Benjamin K./page 260

Graham, C. A. thru Grant, J. E. Co./page 261

Grant, Oliver P. thru Gray, Miss Jessie/page 262

Gray, John C. thru Green, Kathleen/page 263

Green, Lee thru Greer, Nellie/page 264

Greer, Robert S. thru Griffing, Thomas F./page 265

Griffith, Frank thru Gross, Joseph L./page 266

Gross, Miss Nettie thru Gullet, Ada/page 267

Gullett Gin Co. (Inc.) thru Hadra, Mrs. Jennie/page 268

Haeberle, Miss Katherine C. thru Haley, Thomas C./page 269

Hall, Albert D. thru Halwood Cash Register Co./page 270

Ham, Mattie L. thru Hamm, George/page 271

Hamm jr., George thru Hand, Mary/page 272

Hand, Miss Mary thru Hanway, Samuel B./page 273

Hanway, William V. thru Hardy, John T./page 274

Hardy, Josephine thru Harrell, Wm. H./page 275

Harrelson, James T. thru Harris, James L./page 276

Harris, James L. thru Harris, Wm. M./page 277

Harris, William R. thru Hartford Life Insurance Co./page 278

Hartin, Thomas N. thru Hasty, Mattie J./page 279

Haswell, Susan thru Hawkins, Elizabeth A./page 280

Hawkins, Emma M. thru Hayes, Rev. Father James M./page 281

Hayes, Jeremiah M. thru Hearne, Robert G./page 282

Hearon, John W. thru Helm, Frank T./page 283

Helms, Dee thru Hendricks, L. M./page 284

Hendricks, Mary thru Hensey, John/page 285

Hensler, Paul C. thru Hernstadt, Miss Hattie/page 286

Hernstadt, Henrietta thru Hicks, Dora/page 287

Hicks, Dudley thru Hill, Cliff/page 288

Hill, C. Leslie thru Hinckley, Charles J./page 289

Hinckley, David G. thru Hite, Frank/page 290

Hite, Lafayette thru Hoffman, Gerald H./page 291

Hoffman, John L. thru Holford, Miss Hattie/page 292

Holford, Miss Lula P. thru Holloway Seed & Grain Co. (Inc.)/page 293

Holloway, Thomas T. thru Honegger jr, Emil/page 294

Honegger, Henry thru Horn, Thomas E./page 295

Horn, Wm. thru Houghton, Lelia L./page 296

Houghton, Perry A. thru Howard, George/page 297

Howard, Harriet thru Hoxsey, Mary E./page 298

Hoxsey, Robert M. thru Hudson, Commodore L./page 299

Hudson, Ella L. thru Hughes Bros. Mfg. Co. (Inc.)/page 300

Hughes, Dowell W. thru Humphreys, Lizzie R./page 301

Humphreys, Wm. H. thru Hunter, Miss Bertha/page 302

Hunter, Bettie thru Hussey, Mrs. Ida/page 303

Husung, Miss Donie thru Illingworth, Jesse/page 304

Illingworth, Wheator thru Iselohr, Jacob/page 305

Isham, Harry J. thru Jackson, Alexander S./page 306

Jackson, Alfred thru Jackson, Lee/page 307

Jackson, Louisa thru Jacoby, Villa/page 308

Jacques, F. S. thru January, Otway C./page 309

Japanese Restaurant thru Jewell, Wm. R./page 310

Jillings, Aubrey V. thru Johnson, Arthur/page 311

Johnson, Arthur thru Johnson, Frank/page 312

Johnson, Frank A. thru Johnson, John D./page 313

Johnson, John M. thru Johnson, Pearl/page 314

Johnson, Miss Pearl thru Johnston, Albert A./page 315

Johnston, Allen A. thru Jones, Carlton H./page 316

Jones, Carlton W. thru Jones, Henry N./page 317

Jones,Henry W. thru Jones, Monroe W./page 318

Jones, M. Daniel thru Jones, Wm. I./page 319

Jones, William M. thru Junior, Ella J./page 320

Junior, Elmer J. thru Kanady, Martha/page 321

Kanady, Mrs. Minnie thru Keehan, John J./page 322

Keehan, John P. thru Kelley, Miss Allena J./page 323

Kelley, Mrs. Bettie P. thru Kenard, Wm./page 324

Kendall, Miss Camille thru Kenyon, Howard B./page 325

Kenyon, Wm. R. thru Kight, W. A./page 326

Kightlinger, Miss Lena E. thru King, George R./page 327

King, Gus thru Kinnell, Charles/page 328

Kinnell, Louise thru Kirkpatrick & Skiles/page 329

Kirktard, Samuel thru Knepfly, Mrs. Madeline/page 330

Knickerbocker, Frank thru Knox, Elisha A./page 331

Knox, Frank thru Krantz, Oscar/page 332

Krantz, Wm. thru Kyte, William E./page 333

La Bariera, Joseph thru Lagow, Miss Ella/page 334

Lagow, Martin L. thru Landers, John/page 335

Landers, Wiley thru Langley, James C./page 336

Langley, John thru Latimore, Wm. G./page 337

LaTour, Frank thru Lawson, George H./page 338

Lawson, Harry thru Lear, Mary A./page 339

Leary, Frank S. thru Lee, Olive B./page 340

Lee, Ralph D. thru Lemmon & Lively/page 341

Lemon, E. J. thru Lett, James E./page 342

Leutwyler, Adolph thru Lewis, Ed B./page 343

Lewis, Edward B. thru Lichter, William A./page 344

Lider, A. thru Lindsay, Robert/page 345

Lindsay, Vivian thru Lipscomb, A. Burney/page 346

Lipscomb, Bailey thru Livingston, W. J./page 347

Llewellyn, James M. thru Logan, Robert M./page 348

Logan, Ross thru Longcoy, Charles W./page 349

Longino, James H. thru Loury, Homer/page 350

Love, Andrew thru Lucas, John/page 351

Lucas, Miss Laura T. thru Lynch, Charles P./page 352

Lynch, David thru Maas, Henry K./page 353

Maas, Isaac thru Maddison, Norvell/page 354

Maddox, Albert A. thru Maine, Sarah A./page 355

Makoy, Miss Georgie thru Manges, John W./page 356

Mangold, Albert E. thru
Mansur & Tebbetts Implement Co./page 357

Mantele, Wm. thru Marsh, Miss Minnie/page 358

Marshall, Alfred thru Martin, Ealey A./page 359

Martin, Edward thru Maslin, C. Vernon/page 360

Maso, Miss Louise thru Mattasolio, Peter/page 361

Matthews, A. B. thru May, Alban R./page 362

May, Allen S. thru Maynard, Maria A./page 363

Maynard, Miss Theresa L. thru McCabe, James H./page 364

McCabe, James P. thru McClellan, Charles T./page 365

McClellan, Miss Ethel thru McCormick, George M./page 366

McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. of Chicago thru
McCuin, Mary/page 367

McCullam, Hugh thru McDonald, Lon/page 368

McDonald, Louis S. thru McFarland, John C. Drug Co./page 369

McFarland, Joseph T. thru McGregor, Harry V./page 370

McGregor, Henry L. thru McKee, Wm./page 371

McKee, Wm. E. thru McKnight, James N./page 372

McKnight, Mary A. thru McMahan, Robert H./page 373

McMahan, Sallie thru McNary, Westley/page 374

McNaught, L. Quay thru Meador, Edward P./page 375

Meador, Frank P. thru Melone, Drury L./page 376

Melone, H. Lloyd thru Merrick, Effie/page 377

Merrida, George thru Mexia, Miss Ynez/page 378

Meyer, Miss Annie thru Middleton, Miss Ethel/page 379

Middleton, Irene thru Miller, Cecilia/page 380

Miller, Charles thru Miller, Mary E./page 381

Miller, Mary K. thru Millot, Mrs. Annie/page 382

Millot, Edward E. thru Missouri, Kansas
and Texas Ry Co. of Texas/page 383

Missouri Kansas & Texas lunch room thru
Mitchell, William F./page 384

Mitchell, Wm. H. thru Mohr, Miss Mary S./page 385

Mohrhardt, Frank A. thru Montgomery, L. D./page 386

Montgomery, Mrs. Mary E. thru Moore, Miss Eunice/page 387

Moore, Felix B. thru Moore, Preston E./page 388

Moore & Rawlins thru Moreland, Sallie M./page 389

Morelles, John thru Moroney Hardware Co. (Inc.)/page 390

Moroney, James thru Morriss, Miss Maude/page 391

Morriss, S. Whitfield thru Mosher, Jennie E./page 392

Mosher Mfg Co. (Inc.) thru Mucklery, Wm./page 393

Mueller, August thru Munger, Stephen I. jr./page 394

Munjoy, Annie thru Murphy, Thomas J./page 395

Murphy, Mrs. Victoria A. thru Myer, Samuel/page 396

Myers, Absalom G. thru Nance, S. A. Co. (Inc.)/page 397

Nance, J. Leslie thru Neal, Henry C./page 398

Neal, James thru Nelson, J. P./page 399

Nelson, Louis thru New Process Mfg. Co. (Inc.)/page 400

New York Life Insurance Co. thru Nichols, Wm. J./page 401

Nichols, Wm. L. thru Nogueira, Louis V./page 402

Nogueira, Manuel V. thru North Texas Bldg. Co. (Inc.)/page 403

North Texas Electrikure Co. thru Nye, Wm. C./page 404

Oak Cliff Armory thru Occidental Bar & Restaurant/page 405

Ocean Accident and Guarantee Co. of Londong, Eng. thru
Ohlson, Miss Ottie/page 406

O'Keefe, Mrs. Markie thru Oliver, W. Hughes/page 407

Olliver, Willie thru Ordway, Wm. H./page 408

O'Reilley, Robert E. thru Osmond, Samuel H./page 409

Osmond, Wm. thru Owens, Isaac E./page 410

Owens, John W. thru Padgitt Bros. Co./page 411

Padgitt, Charles W. thru Pandres, Gertrude/page 412

Pandres, Hanna thru Parker, Joseph L./page 413

Parker, J. Frank thru Parry, Reese F./page 414

Parry, William E. thru Patterson, Orval/page 415

Patterson, Oscar L. thru Payne, Rev. Moses E./page 416

Payne, Robert S. thru Peet, Rose/page 417

Pegues, Alex P. thru People's Ice Co.(Inc.), The/page 418

Peoples, Josephine thru Peske, J. Fred/page 419

Peske, Miss Nellie M. thru Phares, Hugh L./page 420

Phares, John M. thru Physio-Medical Institute/page 421

Picel, Elizabeth B. thru Pipkin, Dan C./page 422

Pipkin, John Q. thru Plowman, George H./page 423

Plowman, Marcus M. thru Porter, Eliza/page 424

Porter, Elizabeth A. thru Potter, Nellie/page 425

Potter, Ole R. thru Praetorian Guard/page 426

Prager, Nathan thru Prewitt, Rufus/page 427

Price, Miss Annie L. thru Pryor, Albert R./page 428

Pryor, La Venia F. thru Pyaett, Albert R./page 429

Pyaett, A. F. thru Quinn, Annie/page 430

Quinn, George W. thru Rainbolt, Henry/page 431

Raines, Gilbert thru Randall, George W./page 432

Randall, Gordon thru Ratliff, Clayburne/page 433

Ratliff, Homer C. thru Read, Robert A./page 434

Reade, Nathan F. thru Redman, Ernest/page 435

Redman, John thru Reese, Jane/page 436

Reese, J. Thomas thru Reimold, F. W./page 437

Reineke, Charles thru Reynolds, Belle C./page 438

Reynolds, Charles A. thru Rice, George/page 439

Rice, George W., jr. thru Richardson, William T./page 440

Richbourg, John W. thru Riggs, Rev. Warner B./page 441

Rigney, Eliza thru Rives, Isbill C./page 442

Roach, Erskine H. thru Roberts, Charles/page 443

Roberts, Charles thru Robertson, Miss Emma/page 444

Robertson, Exie thru Robinson, Claiborne/page 445

Robinson, David A. thru Robinson, Tivis D./page 446

Robinson, Washington thru Rodgers, Roy/page 447

Rodgers, T. J. thru Roller, Benjamin/page 448

Roller, Mrs. Lillie thru Rosenbaum Bros./page 449

Rosenbaum, Miss Ella thru Rosser, Charles M./page 450

Rossman, Stephen A. thru Royster, Clifton E./page 451

Ruben, Max thru Russell, Daniel/page 452

Russell, David A. thru Ryer, Joseph J./page 453

Ryer, Wm. H. thru Sale, Annie N./page 454

Sale, Edmond T. thru Sanders, Elliott S./page 455

Sanders, Frank thru Sanger Bros./page 456

Sanger Bros' Employes Loan and Savings Association (Inc.)
Savone, Grace/page 457

Savone, Paschal thru Scherz, Herman/page 458

Scherz's Saloon and Restaurant thru Schneider, Alfred T./page 459

Schneider, August thru Schonfelder, Carl/page 460

Schonfelder, Carl F. thru Schuman, Albert/page 461

Schumann, Paul thru Scott, James E./page 462

Scott, James G. thru Seale, Thomas E./page 463

Seale, Winfield S. thru Self, Mrs. Ella/page 464

Self, Harrison P. thru Shacklett, Miss Cicil/page 465

Shacklett, W. Emmett thru Shaw, Marion M./page 466

Shaw, Miss Mattie J. thru Shepherd, James N./page 467

Shepherd, Lee thru Shivers, Eliza/page 468

Shock, John N. thru Sibert, Benjamin F./page 469

Sibert, F. Raymond thru Simmons, Owen/page 470

Simmons, Rufus C. thru Simpson, Thomas M./page 471

Simpson, Thomas W. thru Skaggs, Frank M./page 472

Skaggs, Leslie thru Slaughter, C. C. Cattle Co./page 473

Slaughter, E. Dick thru Smith, Allie J./page 474

Smith, Miss Alma thru Smith, D./page 475

Smith, Earl thru Smith, George W. L./page 476

Smith, Miss Gertrude thru Smith, J. Burdette/page 477

Smith, J. D. thru Smith, Munroe/page 478

Smith, M. Annie thru Smith, Washington/page 479

Smith, Wesley R. thru Snyder, Mrs. Nellie/page 480

Snyder, Oliver thru Southern Mutual Benefit Ass'n/page 481

Southern Poultry Journal thru Spann, Michael C./page 482

Spann, Robert L. thru Speer, Steinman & Wolf Co. (Inc.)/page 483

Speigel, George C. thru Spikes, Wm./page 484

Spillars, James thru Stack, Thomas E./page 485

Stacy, Wm. R. thru Standard Pharmacy/page 486

Standard Savings & Loan Co. of Dallas thru
Starling, Charles W./page 487

Starr, Ella thru Stein, Isaac/page 488

Stein, Samuel thru Stephenson, Mary/page 489

Stephenson, Miss Nina thru Stewart, Miss Etta/page 490

Stewart, Frank thru
St. Louis Southwestern Ry Co. of Texas/page 491

St. Mary's College thru Stone, Samuel C./page 492

Stone, Walter S. thru St. Patrick's Church/page 493

St. Paul A. M. E. Church thru Stroud, Wiley N./page 494

Stroud, W. O. thru Summers, Edward T./page 495

Summers, Ezekiel thru Swanner, Mary J./page 496

Swanson, Augusta thru Sylvester, Ball/page 497

Sylvester, Flora thru Talbot, Bailey T./page 498

Talbot, Miss Catherine thru Tatom, Miss Nettie/page 499

Tatum, Chesley H. thru Taylor & Hosack/page 500

Taylor, Hugh K. thru Temple, Sydney A./page 501

Templeton, Alonzo thru Terrill, Judson H./page 502

Terry, Carl thru Texas Disc Plow Co./page 503

Texas Drug Company thru Texas Seed & Floral Co./page 504

Texas State Fair (Inc.) thru Thielle, Alexander C./page 505

Thixton, John S. thru Thomas, James D./page 506

Thomas, James E. thru Thomas, Sarah/page 507

Thomas, Sidney A. thru Thompson, George/page 508

Thompson, George G. thru Thomson, Henry N./page 509

Thorburn, Henry C. thru Tillman, John T./page 510

Tillman, Lewis H. thru Tobolowsky, Benjamin/page 511

Tobolowsky, Charles G. thru Torbert, Samuel/page 512

Torbron, Fred O. thru Travis, Mrs. Clara L./page 513

Travis, Mrs. Letitia J. thru Trimble, Wm. O./page 514

Trinity Cotton Oil Co. (Inc.) thru Tucker, Charles/page 515

Tucker, Charles Fred thru Turner, Edward P./page 516

Turner, Mrs. E. E. thru Tydings, Dony J./page 517

Tyler, Alex. thru University School of Oak Cliff/page 518

University Publishing Co. thru Vangent, Miss May/page 519

Van Ginkel, Garret thru Vendig Bros. Shirt Co./page 520

Vendig, Irving H. thru Vogel, Frank/page 521

Vogel, Philip thru Wade, Wm./page 522

Wade, Wm. thru Waldron, Roman S. & Co./page 523

Waldrop, Drayton P. thru Walker, Mattie/page 524

Walker, Mattie thru Waller, William/page 525

Wallmark, Ludwig thru Ward, John W./page 526

Ward, J. Wm. thru Warren, Josephine/page 527

Warren, Mattie A. thru Watkin, Will A. Music Co./page 528

Watkins, Albert P. thru Watson, Tobias B./page 529

Watson, William thru Webb, Albert W./page 530

Webb, Miss Beulah thru Weems, J. A. Logan/page 531

Weems, Robert thru Welke, Charles T./page 532

Welke, Paul thru Wendelken Machinery Co./page 533

Wendt, Frank thru West, Mattie/page 534

West, Oscar thru Wheat, Clayton E./page 535

Wheat, Clayton M. thru White, Charles G./page 536

White, Charles W. thru White, Joseph G./page 537

White, J. C. thru Whitehorn, Patrick/page 538

Whitehurst, Wm. thru Whittington, Frank M./page 539

Whittington, Gilbert thru Wilder, May/page 540

Wilderman, Rosa thru Wilkinson, James & Co./page 541

Wilkinson, Miss Mamie B. thru Williams, Daniel P./page 542

Williams, David thru Williams, James/page 543

Williams, James thru Williams, Priscilla/page 544

Williams, Reid thru Williamson, Miss Beulah/page 545

Williamson, Chester thru Wills, Albert G./page 546

Wills, A. G. Lumber Co. thru Wilson, Florence/page 547

Wilson, Fred P. thru Wilson, Miss Pearl/page 548

Wilson, Pembroke M. thru Winn, Herbert H./page 549

Winn, Katherine thru Wishert, John A./page 550

Wishert, Laura thru Wolfe, Henry G./page 551

Wolfe, Ivy thru Wood, E. A./page 552

Wood, Miss Florence O. thru Woods, Richard/page 553

Woods, Ruth thru Worley, John F. & Co./page 554

Worley, John F. & Co. thru Wright, James R./page 555

Wright, Miss Jennie thru Wylie, Gus R./page 556

Wylie, Harry W. thru Yarbrough, Orceneth F./page 557

Yarnall, John J. thru Youenes, Thomas V./page 558

Young, Mrs. Cena thru Young, Wm. L./page 559

Young, William W. thru Zilliox, Wm. W./page 560

Zimmerla, Arnold thru Zurcher, M. L.
Addenda/page 561