Time-Law Symbols 2

Time-law Symbols 2

Introducing Scandinavian symbols in rock-carvings. With boats, circles, snakes, feet they symbolised seasons of year and all the ritual times. Rituals were preparation for labour for short or long times. Normally they regulated only the summer season.

Hittitian symbols, obelisk, totem pole, crossed circle, Underworld, footprints, identities, ideogram, collegium of seven, septemviri, time-wheel or year-wheel, ornum, sitting, New Moon Mare, time-wheel, syllable language, ban, orbit, ecliptic, moon loop, Gemini, vocabulary and convention,

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Keeping these apart is impossible. It became natural to try with the sound PA for the contoured footprint and the meaning "paa" which is "on" in English. We see it in the end of ships and it is saying, "begin here". Besides the little empty boat and a little cupmark it is the most frequent mark to say that.

  …In the early languages like Hittitian they expressed present tense with two signs and then we read this PA-PA. It means, "mate" and it pictures the animal act well. Observe pair of syllables in nouns mean plural number.

  The meaning of the one-stroked foot I found in the Hittitian symbolism. This symbol is from a Hittitian ruler's seal. It is in the middle of the aedicula and where in other cases a symbol meaning the leader. It is also almost similar to the symbol for god, however that has broader lines. The Hittitian ruler where the Ip. He was primarily the ritual leader and instead of the god.

Furthermore I read some translated text where the princesses' names had the suffix IPA. The sound IP may be set IF and as in English it means "around" or is conditioning a meaning. The leader is a herd with those functions to look around. It is also found in early Scandinavian texts. The smoother sound IB is a name in Danish and meant heart (and leader) in Egyptian and it is the root in Arabian SAH IB = friend.

In the chapter about the ancient languages the syllables are better presented since it has been an active part of understanding the symbols. The main question in a language is that the bits should fit together and not occur more than once. In an area with the same language a symbol should occur in the same meaning. Is it found in many places it is like evidence?

The syllables could be used as single words in the symbolic use and it is hard to keep apart from icons and ideograms. For instance is the one-stroked foot used to symbolise the leader, which was Leo on the round. The main use was for the "first season" or "first of two".

… and…

In figures we see sometimes an elderly couple and sometimes a young couple. Here I read that in the first pair something electric is going on.

In the other young love and a promise are going on in the other case. Both groups of symbols are like an ideogram and can stand without explanation. The little beginning symbol is used for NY= NEU = new in other languages, but might even be "and". At right the symbol looks like a hand and "hand-take" it is then an old legal term for betrothal. That was the only needed act in the old farming society. Then it was sure that the understood result, the child got caretakers. The custom was still in use during 17th century AD.

The Egyptians used an obelisk with four sides as totem pole and oriented after the four cardinal points. The "bopaale" = village pole was used until our century in the Northern Hemisphere. Maybe it was meant to learn the coming generation essentials and it could be used to measure the shadow and then know the time. It was surely an ingenious Northern lightning that got man to see that he himself is a world pillar. If he set himself as reference, he can orient the world after his body.

Footprints in Lappland

The reference is to stand in a certain direction at the zero point of the year which naturally the sun set. Then it is only to name his body parts after the stars he needs. In this case it is Sames using reindeers as cattle and he marks the left foot's toe, while in agriculture they set a cupmark or a little boat there.

We cannot know if the askew sign was chosen like the Egyptian djed-pillar for the beginning, but we see the bevelled toe in several places in Scandinavia. Sames marked the other half with a crook, which also was used for the Ramadan. The elk in the heel is negative and marking "other side" which perhaps mean the slaughter in autumn. The elk cow in the toe is pregnant marked by the negative womb.

This example is from Naemforsen in northern Sweden and chosen to show that the symbolism was present in the entire Scandinavia and as far as in Karelia. The foot prints marks that man has made his claim and "stand on his land" as said in an expression from seventeenth century.

The footprint had wide use and it has to be understood after its connection like most of the symbols. I got the impression that they knew many more symbols than we see on the carvings. They use them just when needed and we normally see only the main ritual and legal symbols.


One primal problem is to define two identical sides of something.

To keep apart the feet we need a reference direction and then decide that for instance leave one unmarked and mark the other. A is a Norse variant from Rogaland. The right side was already right then.

In B it is the normal to mark one side with one stroke and the other with two.

C is another Norse variant and as always them puzzles me. This time it is by setting the empty boat in the heels. That mark the beginning but what begins? Yet if they normally count downwards to zero why not backwards in the calendar?

D looks like many other crossed circle more like a pair of feet. Some may say that the cross line marks the heel but having heels as half the foot is unusual? Then we really do not know if they had heels at all on their shoes.

 We have some footprints with clearly marked heel and in Sumerian they say that this means male but also Moon. This is from a Nordic rock.

On our carvings it seems to mark the step to Underworld at Cancer. Alternatively just the heel of something.

When calculating time and work we have to use sequences and suites. Then use some order to do things in the right order. In some sense Scandinavia is isolate with respect to the leading cultures in south. We have stored much of the old culture and our languages have remained pure from foreign influence. That was until those Barbarians over there began to tell us in the old world what life is about.

Anyhow we can find some words from the past that surely have been the same for more than 4000 years. One of them is ENSI and the roots are EN and SI. Ensi is the root in the Finnish word "ensimaeinen" meaning "the first" and our first number is "en". The root SI "the other side or the other", while it in this connection marks order as something understood.

Another root for something opposite is DA as root in the Danish word "da" = then often used to tell past time.

To this came a natural dualism we hardly understand in our individualistic world. It is not only that we see many pairs and they expressed often things in almost equal pairs or words.

We have many expressions in our Province laws where one issue is written with two slightly different words. Some place names indicates that there may have been a "brotherhood" which was significant for Dal. That meant that a pair drove the farm and not necessarily brothers. Fellowship and partners in trade are another sign of that.

However, it might have been in other provinces too. In language the word ends in an open -a as in the Tuna-villages and some other names. In Arabian they still have the dual number.

 This variant shows two half the year where each "foot" is a quarter. They are found on the little island Ven between Zealand and Skaane.

More footprints

In the Alps they say Footsteps of Man and in Scandinavia Footsteps of God. Naturally they are man made and steps of man. The meaning is the natural indicating of going, starting and individual leading since our ancestors did not get food by theology

They have counted the known footprints of Bohuslaen, Austergautland and Uppland and today they are about 1150 and that is about 3 percent of all figurative carvings. In Haugsbyn Dal I have found more than 200. As usual on Dal is a wide range of possible meanings and that cover partly a terminology for practical astronomers. We know this in the entire Scandinavia and to this counts also for Russian Karelia. On the other hand this symbolism and terminology are tied to the southern cultures.

Impartially we can say here are six identities, a unit circle and an empty boat.

But we see they make them special. If we start from left, the first has a marked heel and is used for Crab. Next is a foot below the surface and perhaps it is marked askew.

Next symbol a contoured foot with one stroke IF/IP stands for the leader. Then follows the pair where the virgin is bare footed indicating he is above surface and aside a PA-symbol, which normally means "on". We should read the circle maybe "the circle is closed" or "a unit is made". The little empty boat we normally see as beginning of season and it is for the little germ of the year to use. In early languages "year" and "harvest" were equal words.

Next cut is also from Jaerestad Skaane and the symbols are mostly on the same theme although slightly different.

In the lower row from left is a footprint with the empty boat and a little cupmark and normal symbols of spring. To the third sign is added a Water-snake, symbol of a womb and seen in the night sky. This lower combination is also found in or near passage graves.

 ...With a footprint one may picture many things. Prints after a naked may be just a naked foot and if near water the person is probably bathing. In ritual sense it is The Naked and an icon for time as well as for what the icon stands for. It may also be Inanna or the new moon and Virgo and rain fertility, birth-giving and so on. On Jaerestad we see a half full-cut foot and the rest contour then she is half underneath. Five cupmarks and she is of course flying.

Further differences are they mark a heel or a toe if not something is added. An example is at Vitlycke that has in the toe of the entire rock a full-cut foot with the toe marked. To this a cupmark which may be read ER or "is", then the other part is BO TA. BO is an old short word for settlement and TA may read toe and usually they said that they lived in the toe. Thus we may read "This is the toe of the settlement"

The contour-foot normally read PA but may also be FA, VA, BA as the consonants are near each other. Likewise KA has the softer GA as a variant. In northern language we do not have the hard ZA and use SA which is read as necessity. KA is found as a crossed circle in Minoan Linear A and is fit to read GA as some old people still say "ga" when something "goes"

On this picture the first contour-foot PA means perhaps "go" for the first quarter and the pair is for the other quarter where we see a Skeaf on board.

This collection shows some different symbols, which have to be seen in their right surroundings if we want a clear answer.

A contour foot with one stroke normally means summer half-year. Sometimes it is the leader IF and we may understand behind is "The Big Man" or Sumerian LUGAL later called Gilgamesh, "He have seen much". His companion is DUGAL, "He does it". They are the pair Herakles and Opiuchos in night sky. However, in some places is seen a very "Bigfoot" and it is of course the hero himself Herakles/ Hercules/Roland/ Ture Lang and many names or as the Celts said "He strikes well".

Two-stroked contour-foot or feet are second half-year or winter if not a quarter of winter. Marked heels are originally the connection Cancer and Water-snake, where the snake is the lady of Netherworld is marked with a big cupmark. The smaller one is meaning "on or is". In Babylonia like at our carvings they mark Ramadan and harvest time with two cupmarks.

In Egypt and in our symbolism they sometimes mark the Four Corners with a 90-degree angle EK. They mark the corners of an octagon with 45-degree angle AC/AK. A curve or bow may read BAN and is seen when two orbits meats as sun and moon. However it may also be when the lady goes in the bow of earth and similar situations.

This picture contains the most in shapes footprint, circle, figure and ideogram.

Start at the Handman as spring and he hold a May twig (Djed) in his hand. In the second circle are the marriage and the little boat. The third circle is the uniting and harvest. The empty circle stands for the winter.

Once again for this connection the four seasons from Himmelstadlund. Are they circles or footprints may be hard to say?

On the Law Haugsbyn Dal they solved the problem of a long text and to symbolise brotherhood. They mark one pair with a contoured foot IF for the male and his mate full-cut BO. They symbolise the other pair with two-stroke contour for him and a full cut with a marked toe for her. To that a young man marked with a smaller IB and a new-symbol. His mate is of course the young bride with the body full-cut as if she were pregnant and the normal female crotch.

These three small cuts are from the small island Hven between Skaane and Zealand in Auresund.


The Romans called these collegium of seven or more precisely septemviri and they were aldermen of the seven moons in summer.

They are from left Skaelv Austergautland and Haugsbyn Dal right. At Haugsbyn we see clearly that they are different footprints. The same technique is used at the Law to show that seven identities go for a bath.


We can call them time-wheel or year-wheel. These are from Leonardsberg Austergautland.

The clearest is the left where we see the beginning at the heel and a cupmark for descending to the Netherworld and then follows the other footprints of summer.

At Ronar Spit Haugsbyn we find this year-wheel.

They mark the winter with an Egyptian boat and a Babylonian Ramadan mark so to speak. An empty boat marks the spring. A field with a big cupmark is descending and the process is two serpents in marriages plus some indefinite marks to show the process. These are Water-snake and Serpent.

Seven different footprints as a collegium at Askum 648. A ladder with 11 steps maybe marks the Ramadan and the spiral reads IN.


This picture from Backa Bohuslaen may be the idea called ornum at Jutland.

The settlement was as principle divided between oldemor, the old Lady in charge for the house and rituals. The elk or Big man was in charge for the outer space and business with other settlements. The remaining fourth parts and sixth parts maybe had different duties to the community and were the other settlers.

I usually name the sitting lady "Sitting" and we know her from figurines during Bronze Age. Some Sittings are cow-eyed. Thus, the origin may be the Aegean Sphere. The footprint and the Dog are perhaps a sign of Isis and we know she gave her tribute also to northern culture.


Once again footprints from Lappland also in this connection.


Traditionally they say that a crossed circle shows a sun cult or is the sun. My book brings some modification to that. If we when saying "sun" mean that it is the year divided in four quarters, it is right. But the sun as such is not crossed or a wheel, however a circle could picture it.

They could symbolise the yearly round of the sun with a circle, but if we want to show when it begins we need at least one mark on the circle. If we know about solstices and equinoxes, making a crossed circle is natural. We say time is running and then the wheel is a suitable abstraction easy to use in teaching.

Another fluffy speculation is that our ancestors should have been on their bare knees admiring the sun and some would have been blinded of course. From Egypt we know that people did not want any sun cult and preferred the old rituals. The theology of revolution and renewing has normally no roots in old nobility neither among traditional ordinary people.

They tied them to the moon and stars since long and we see much of the moon symbolism after the Egyptian trials in the sun cult. In fact my best evidence are the big ceilings in the tombs of Seti I and Ramesses IV after the experiments in the sun cult.

We know that some Sumerian cities devoted their life to the moon deities as a pair, while Uruk worshipped Inanna, the new moon. She and her sister the morning star remained popular even in Scandinavia until Christianity ... New Moon Mare is one of the names. Nevertheless, we do not know how many provinces devoted their life to these.

In Sumer and Egypt the common deities were the stars and the pantheon in the sky. Sumerian nobility made some "stand in" that could pray for them and then stand and look at the stars perhaps. They furnish the statues and figurines with big dark eyes as if they filled their eyes with the night sky.

I got this idea long before I found this statue from last millennium BC. The bottom wheel is the stable reference and the upper the mowing a vault every day. Its reference point is mowing a turn a year.

Admiring the sun would not give food on the table. A sun and moon calendar would give a programme to get food growing.

That are most of my arguments against the speculation in a sun cult in Scandinavia between 4000 BC and 1000 AD.

This little section shows they marked some quarters and divided the squared circle to be understood what it was about.

Surely they were not cutting the sun in pieces or making experiments on the sun? We have to know the connection to understand what it means when a PA symbol is set to a quarter. What does the crook mean on the other open wheel and they symbolise what by the open section?

We see the crossed circle as a wheel, but on our rock are wheels of other types too.

We have to remember that the wheel with spokes is as far as we know today not found before the middle of the second millennium BC.

That means that earlier crossed circles must be abstracted symbols. However, when they got the wheel they used it also in symbolising year and time. During Bronze Age we see wheels with 2,4,6,8 spokes. Yet they are not always wheels either.

We can read the crossed circle as KA or GA, which mostly means, "to go". Two symbols are naturally the present tense "go or going" which fits well when talking about time. If a noun it is the plural.

In our folk memory is the saying "Olof's kaka" referring to that it was harvest time in the catholic calendar with saints. Still, that "kaka" fits also into the very old calendar for harvest and for the beginning of half year as well.

They often mark the crossed circle with an empty little boat, a little cupmark or a foot as beginning. Open section or negative section is perhaps marking working with Underworld. The crook or heel marks Ramadan or end of season. Double line is marking the other side and that is case in some other figures too. Observe the heel is also used to mark going to Underworld!

Ban and boat

Let us begin with symbols and figures that give us associations to boats or bigger vessels. In analysing we only use pure logic when we see a drawn line figure. They have all their own logic and can be compared to phenomenon around us. Ban means orbit or surface

syllable language, ban, orbit, ecliptic, moon loop, Gemini, vocabulary and convention,

A circle can encircle something or it can exclude something, depending on where we set the observation point. The third variant is if we set the point on the line and then it can be an orbit. In drawings we have only two dimensions and no time-motion. That we have to imagine or conclude from other signs.

Here I need new words that make it easier to follow the red line. BAN with synonyms like orbit and ecliptic and the moon loops. However it is a little wider because they saw the surface of earth as a ban too. It was partly an abstraction to picture when in or outside and in the loop of life, time or growth.

I am working on the early syllable language and mention some of the syllables that picture the drawn figures. They normally picture BAN with about 120 degrees of a circle. When I tried many variants, I found that we can use the Scandinavian "i" or "in" as a junction when two or more symbols are set together. The sound "I" is a short stroke and the longer is LI, shortened to "l" as always they neglect unnecessary vowels.

For the linguistic definitions see more in chapters about logic of linguistics.

Then this figure is spelled I-BAN and we have to understand in which connection it is used in the particular case. The sound can even vary so we can read if they fit I-BAN, I-VAN, I-FAN, I-PAN ... IVAN might be "in water".

BAN origin BA-NA = "to be subordinated" and is also the English word ban a sort of abstract enclosure. See also Gutnic banda BAN-DA the last syllable closes the circuit. See also KER.

 …Then this read IBAN "to be in the round" understood also as the Engender and the symbol pictures it well as the other symbols in kind do.

 …This symbol is "ban in ban" understood as when the sun and moon loop crosses. We see the symbol in at last three places as ship figures. The two planets together kept time as well as the understood physic phenomenon and ritual to follow it.

A little cupmark 6 to 8 centimetres in diameter is "is" or a Nordic ER "to be present" and then marking "a unit" too.

 …Together these are ER-I-BAN "to be in the ban" understood to go to Underworld in this case.

…At rock 06 Haugsbyn they make it an ideogram showing a little girl in a boat on the way. Her name might be Germ, Frau, Kim seen in our place names.

  …The bigger cupmark 9 to 11 centimetre diameter shows that the way to the "other" side below is open. Then these two symbols from Himmelstadlund 4 say "the Earth is open for the little one" or how we formulate it.

 … The little empty boat normally marks the beginning of season. We saw it also in Egypt in similar connection. The iban-boat and this are the smallest boat symbols and show then "A definite unit without cargo" said in abstract words. The stern and stem make it definite.

 …These are symbols for Twins or Gemini and we find the idea in the French caves 15000 years ago too. We see it in Sumerian as well as Egyptian glyphs.

…On both boats are a broken staff too read AK and it is the root in LEAK marking the first 1/8 of quarters and Cancer for the flow to Underworld. The cargo is the first months in the round.

The other boat is from Norway puzzles me like many other things from there. It is the double stroked boat, which should mean on the other side or DA.

Now we have seen how the boat symbols have slipped into the symbolism. We need of course a stream too. One wavy horizontal line is the infinitive "to flow". Two lines are a stream, river or equal and the doubled symbols mean "ongoing act" used for present tense.

Three of a kind is the concept, pronoun, wholeness and then water, seas, ocean. But it also includes abstract idols connected to that like Sumerian Enki or Babylonian Ea and the Watergate. Further used for abstract rivers and flood and the most abstract of them is of course time itself. It is a well-found symbol to picture time as flow and our lives as a journey on the flow.

  …The logic of a line is that it is running indefinitely in time. Is it wavy it is material flow and the straight is time flow. One bit is the little infinite unit, two bits are flowing and three bits are the idea.

Marks on the lines mean events. If it alters direction sharply, it is altering definition and if 90 degrees it might be an interruption or a special event. The right angles are symbols of the solstices and equinoxes and 120 degrees are the positions between.

We seldom see the saw-tooth line and it means a material flow. Mostly we see the wavy line expressing life or more flexible material flow.

This chapter is mostly about pure ritual symbolism. Specific symbols are defined in the chapters about the syllable language from the prehistory of linguistic.

In our time they have written many mysterious books about time and making the simple fact magic. Engineers have made it simple. In the SIS system it is a calculating factor to be used up to certain rules.

It is not far from the old way to see time as flow. That is when the sun follows its orbit and we have to imagine the entire orbit of a year. It does not matter if the real orbit is a spiral, oval or square if we can divide it in equal pieces and use it to compare our local flow with. That is when we are talking about units per time unit.

We tie our actions to special time units. The spring is once a year and that unit we give the word spring as a convention. That is to make it unique compared to all other things happening when the time is spring. The time is not more than a half-virtual concept as reference for our running life. Sumerians, or who else it was, were ingenious when they made a mega-picture in the sky. It is showing the time and its running on and on as a round in the sky. The suite they painted on the round makes it possible to orient us in the round.

They saw the entirety of space and earth and that we are carrying with us a broader picture of the running time than the present second, minute, hour or day. When we look at the round day by day, it looks like the same at least a month. However it changes a little bit every day, but we notice it when a new constellation becomes common. That is how we work and live in time. We have the past weeks and also the coming weeks in mind and the present we need just when we do things.

Mostly they rationalise times to be only the bits or units in the boats and figures and they omit the running time. That is the case with real flow too.

This little section from Dalbergsaa shows the variety of string with examples of icon, symbol, ideogram and ritual figure.

From left we cannot know for sure if the boat with seven strokes as unit is a real boat, a single word or a bit of time in seven units. The little Iban could be Ivan, the Engender since we Karelians have a carving showing the Engender running after a rein deer.

The Northern people had deer or elks as symbols in the area from Perseus to Aquarius. Behind the foreleg of the elk cow at Dalbergsaa is a mark we cannot decide if it is a mark or another leg. If it is a mark, it could be meant on the round in sky.

These cuts from Evenstorp fulfil our doubts that a line with stern and stem and strokes should always be a boat.

Here two are up and down compared with reference and two others have no stem and stern at all. When we see it up and down we might think it is a comb or rake. It is in our prejudices and what others have seen then it has been a convention, which does not correspond to every occasion.

The logic explanation of a line with crossing strokes or dots is, that the line is a length in time or space and it contends or is divided by the strokes. When they are upwards, they are showing presence in our normal space.

To move along a line short or long take time and to a symbol may be added a multiplicator to get the real thought dimension. Even to move our eyes or body along a marked length take time, since we express it as if time were in a container from which we take our time.

It is a question of vocabulary and convention to make other people understand that the eternal time is running as a reference. It is not stable as when we compare our moves with for instance a long wall or other stable substance. It works because we all have a sense how long units of time are ... a day, an hour, a minute and even a second. The second is when we say 1001 and we can feel in our body when we count seconds.

We can count while walking, but it is difficult when running. In my age we shall not run. That is a convention otherwise someone can believe I am going crazy ... and if I laugh in public for my self it is time to lock me in. I know by experience.

We get a sense for time, space and surroundings when we move. If we have to achieve something, it is a good thing to have a plan with time calculated and events and work to be done preconditioned.

That is the issue in ritual calendars. If we want to have a plan so that some other can understand we need conventions and symbols for time, space and structures involved. The people take place for the idols in the real world and a plan can be used for thousands of years. From the Flyhov groves we know they used the plan more than a thousand years.

Many of us have a clock inside and can wake up when we want if we are in normal condition. That is not a physical fact or by heritage. We have learned all the conventions needed to act according to a virtual world with abstract figures.

The early texts and inscription in Sumer and Egypt show likeness in construction of their languages. They show also that at least in written languages they had not developed it to use tenses as we do. To my ears it was much like when we learn a new language. It may look simple and we have always to remember that a poor language is no evidence for a poor mind behind.

All languages change during time and faster with changing cultures and influences from other cultures. People chose the easiest words and rationalise by shortening them in the mouth especially in languages of the non-agglutinated sort. Swedes always say that the Danes swallow half the word and much of depends on softened consonants. A common sound is the soft D, which in Danish is softer than English TH. That is impossible for a Swede to pronounce when used to the strong sound D.

The grammar is much abstract and created by linguistic analysis and not by practice. When I learned Swedish in the early fifties the most difficult thing was to first learn many words in Latin as mumbo jumbo for the different terms about the grammar's structure. At that time everyone simply had to write a perfect grammatical Swedish with singular and plural number everywhere. We did not know that sometimes in the dimly past they used the dual too in Scandinavian languages as still is in use in Arabic today.

Today it is much freer and I write a text near spoken language. Partly the freedom is in me because I do not care for the fundamentalists in linguistic. The issue is to create an easy read and understood text as a communication with others.

If I transfer, my message 1:1 is the measure of success. In my age there is no need for me to express my knowledge by using many foreign words and some complicated texts. It is only in spoken language I use the magic of language in interaction with the public or others, then I see the reactions and answers back momentarily.

Anyhow the jump was meant to place our reasoning in the relative world. Here one example from the half virtual world:

"The pictures show how our ancestors during Bronze Age celebrated religious rituals with ships, which they believed transported the sun over the sky."

The sentences quoted are not mine, but they can be a mirror for some aspects. Dimly written dimly understood ... or "Speak humanly and we know who you are!" That is always the question if we do not speak we will never sort out our thoughts and see what they are.

Being teasing about the text is easy. Ritual ships from a procession on earth could never freight the sun. That knowledge our ancestors surely had ... but not the writer. Then we can be sure that they knew that the sun has no ring around it.

In science we cannot say what our ancestors thought if we know the limits of existence. From myself I know that I am always wrong when I try to figure out what some friends are thinking.

We can tell about what we see and suggest what it is. Every round figure is not a sun ... and we can ask if we can get food on the table by drawing a sun? Normally time, work and a plan are needed to get food.

It is not important in science how they describe the sun moving from point A to B. Our poets write usually without logic and sense. That seems to be an old custom among poets. We can compare with advises to young poets made by Snorre Sturlasson. Sumerian and Egyptian poems are more understandable than that, but that can be a work of the translators to our languages.

In our carvings there may be poetry as well as exact picturing. For instance at Evenstorp in several parts the strokes can be counted. If we suppose they are days, they fit in the calendar. Yet, that does not mean that we can do it everywhere.

 … In its connection this symbol is surely a writing symbol and the sound MA fits. Then we can only speculate if it pictures a moon boat with the Old Norse sound MA-A-NI. Then some of the boats symbolise a moon or a month. On the ships on the Fossum carving there are strokes for a moon ... observe not a month of 30 or 31 days. There is also the little ship with 11 strokes to make a moon year even with a sun year. That is 29,5 days times 12 moons = 354 plus 11 days.

 …The Hittitian symbol MA is surely a sitting woman. We see the same position in "the mourning woman" at Vitlycke. In late documentation she has the Hittitian symbol HE in her bosom since she is pregnant with Horus, the Time. The syllable MA is the root in the Scandinavian "makt"= power with synonyms like capability, ability and that fits in other languages too.