F. L. Kral

[Note: This is from a newspaper in El Campo but the name and date of such was not clipped out with the article. This article was found in Pauline Kral's photo album.]

F. L. Kral [Note: From �Norvel�s Note�s, however, the name and date of the newspaper was not cut out with this article.]

Wharton County was saddened Monday with word of the death of F. L. Kral, county clerk for thirty years. Frank Kral had become as much a part of the county as anyone in public office.

I will miss his friendly handshake and jovial personality. The county clerk�s office will somehow seem bare without Frank Kral.

In the past, I had several occasions to visit his office. He was always there to offer help in checking the many volumes of county records.

Mr. Kral was always interested in El Campo and its people, as he was in all of Wharton County. He told me once that he would always have a warm spot in his heart for El Campo, as he was living here when elected to the office of county clerk.

A visit to Frank Kral�s office was like turning through the pages of a history book. Many things on record in the books of the county are also indelibly inscribed in his mind. Anytime I had trouble finding a particular reference, Mr. Kral was able to find it or recall it from his mind.

It is interesting to thumb through the pages of the clerk�s records. Many people, in fact most people have little chance or reason to check through the volumes of records in the court house. But to do so is to learn of the history of the county and its people. A man could not follow that work for 38 years without feeling attached to the names contained in the records.

Mr. Kral saw many changes in the county and in record keeping during his term of office. At first, all records were copied in longhand from the original. Later, they were typed. In both cases, the accuracy had to be checked by proofreading both the original and the copy.

In later years, a large Photostat machine was installed, and the work of the county clerk was made easier. But the growth of the county continued to demand much of the county clerk as volume after volume of records were assembled.

Mr. Kral took an interest in all who came into the office. Some might think him nosey, but it was just his way of being friendly.
He told me once about the time of the squabble over the trees raged in Wharton, It seems that at one time the courthouse was surrounded by sycamore trees. In the dead of night someone sneaked onto the courthouse lawn with a good saw and commenced to fell all the sycamores. In their place grew the many beautiful pecans which now circle the square. I have always suspected that Frank Kral, and most of the people of Wharton, knew who chopped down the leaf-scattering sycamore trees.

A stop at Frank Kral�s office was always good for an half -hour. He wanted to know about El Campo and people over here. He was interested in the business of the city; he was interested in the individuals. And I believe he was sincere. Some people in public life have appearances of being �politicians�, but Frank Kral had none of the ways of a professional. He was just F.L. Kral, whom everyone knew and admired.

El Campo and Wharton County have lost a good friend and hard worker in Frank Kral. He will be sorely missed.

[Note: This article was in the next column from the above.]

Mrs. Kral Gets
Appointment as
County Clerk
The Commissioners Court of
Wharton County has appointed
Mrs. F.L. Kral, surviving widow
of F.L. Kral, County Clerk of
Wharton County to complete the
unexpired term of her husband.

According to County Judge
Dorman Nikels, �The Court in
making its selection, was mot-
ivated by its desire to recognize
the long and faithful service of
her deceased husband to the
people of Wharton County by
bestowing on her the emolu-
ments of the office. Due to the
legal problems involved and the
nature of the office it was nec-
essary that the vacancy be fill-
ed immediately. Mrs. Kral has
reappointed the same deputies
who served under her husband
and their long experience in the
office amply qualifies them to
render efficient service to the
people of Wharton County.�

Mrs. A.B. Drawe will serve
as Mrs. Kral�s chief deputy, the
judge said.

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