Organized January 19, 1899

Dr. J. Phillips, President
Dr. J. M. Andrews, Vice-President
Dr. August Saltman, Treasurer
Dr. Phil Phillps, Secretary
Constitution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 1 � 7
By-Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 9 � 15
List of Members & Credentials. . . Page 16 � 17
Roll Call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 292
Secretary�s Expense Account. . . . . Page 296
Cash Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 290
Accounts of Members. . . . . . . . . . . Page 280
Cash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 276
Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 277
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A meeting of physicians was held at the office of Dr. Davidson and Davidson Thursday, Jany, 19, 1899 for the purpose of organizing a permanent Medical Association of the Physicians of Wharton Co. The following members of the professions being present Dr. Aug. Saltman, Dr. B.R. Valls, Dr. J.M. Andrews, Dr. A.J. Farrell, Dr. J.C. Davidson, Dr. J.Phillips, Dr. G. L. Davidson, Dr. W. A. McCamly and Dr. P.J.Phillips.
Dr. Aus Saltman was elected Chairman Pro-tem Dr. P.J. Phillips, secretary pro-tem. On motion of Dr. G.L. Davidson to go in permanent organization the following officers were elected.
Dr. J.Phillips, President by acclamation
Dr. J. M Andrews, Vice-President
Dr. Aug. Saltman, Treasurer
Dr. Phil Phillips, Secretary
A committee to draught By-Laws and Constitution was appointed consisting of the following members, Dr. J.C. Davidson, Dr.B.R. Walls, Dr A.J.Farrell.
A committee was also appointed to formulate a Free Bill with instruction to report on Monday, Jan. 23rd at a call meeting set for that day.
The President then appointed these censors, Dr. J.C Davidson.A.J.Farrell

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And B.R.Valls. On motion it was decided that the day for regular meeting should be thr first Tuesday in each month. The committee on Constitution and By-Laws made its report, the following were adopted.
Article I
Section I - This association shall be called �The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of Wharton County�.
Section II � Its object shall be, To cultivate professional and social intercourse between it members To. Encourage a more thorough knowledge of and information in the science of medicine.
To exalt the profession to the highest attainable standard of the professional courtesy and integrity.
To engage in such efforts as well tend to the unity, improvement and prosperity of the medical profession in Wharton county.
Article II
Officers and their duties
Section I The officers of the association
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shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be chosen by ballot at each annual meeting by a majority of the members present.
II Their shall be Board of Sensors consisting of three members who shall be appointed by the President at each annual meeting and confirmed by two-thirds of the members present.
III The officers and censors shall hold their places for one year or until their successor shall be elected and installed.
IV The duties of the officers shall be such as usually div�ues upon those filling such positions and as may be requested and prevailed from time to time by the constitution, By-Laws and resolutions of the association.
V It shall be the duty of the board of censors to inquire into all complaints of one member against another for unprofessional conduct or board of professional etiquette and if such complaint upon investigation be found supported by sufficient evidence they shall report the matter
Page 4
with charges to the association at the next regular meeting
VI All complaints of a personal character shall reach the association through the Board of Censors alone.
VII It shall be duty of the Board of Censor to examine credentials and inquire into the character and professional and moral standing of the all applicants for membership and report the result to the association at the next regular meeting after at which application for membership is made it It shall be their duty also to report all breaches of the By-Laws and rules of the association by any of its members, when brought properly to their knowledge.
VIII Vacancies in the offices and in the board of censors occurring by death , resignation or otherwise shall be filled by a special election at a regular meeting of the association as soon as practicable after such vacancy occurs.
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Article III
Electing of Members
Section I Any physician who has received a diploma from a reputable medical college recognized as such by the American Medical Association and resident of Wharton Co upon his written application may be admitted to membership at a regular meeting of the association.
II The petition of the applicant for membership shall be referred to the board of censors who shall report upon it at their earliest opportunity. When the ballet shall be cast of a majority of all the members present shall note in favor of his application he shall be declared duly elected to membership provided he shall have paid his admission fee into the hands of the treasurer and signed the constitution and by-laws. when his name shall be enrolled until the list of members: and he shall be furnished with a certificate of membership, signed by the President & attested by the Secretary.
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Article IV
General Powering
Section I This association shall have power to impose fines assess fees and establish a Fee Bill for its government. It shall have power to rename officers and expel members for good cause upon written charges preferred against them by the board of censors or by a member through the board of censors, after due notice being given them of the charges preferred and of the time they will be brought before the association.
II The Code of Ethics governing this association shall be that adopted by the American Medical Association.
III The By-Laws shall present the assessment to be levied on the members including admission fees dues etc to defray the necessary expenses of the association
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Article V
Section I This association shall adopt and deep a seal which shall be affixed to all certificates membership and used in all official transaction of the association.
Article VI
Section I Five members in regular standing shall constitute a quorum to transact business.
Article VII
Section I All proposition to alter or amend this constitution shall be made in writing at a regular meeting of the association and filed with the secretary to be acted upon at the next regular meeting and shall not be adapted without two-third of the members of the association conc---.
Article VIII
Section I Neither the amount required to be paid on admission to membership nor the regular monthly assessment levied on the members for the expenses of the associations shall be increased or diminished unless two-thirds of the members of the association concensus.
Page 8 � Blank
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Article I
Section I Regular meetings of this association shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 2 O�clock P.M. Also an anniversary meeting shall be held on the 19 day of January each year.
II The President or in his absence the Vice-President or in his absence any two of the censors may call a special meeting at any time at the written request of three or more members, provided that no business shall be transacted at a call meeting except that for which the call was made.
III Notice of the time and place of any special meeting shall be given by the Secretary, who shall notify each member by postal card through the post office immediately after the call is made.
IV If a quorum shall fail to be present at any meeting of the association the members present may adjourn to meet another day: in the absence of the President and Vice-President chairman
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Pro-tem may be elected by the members present
V The regular meeting held on the 19 day of Jany. Each year shall be designated as the anniversary meeting of the association at which meeting the officers shall make their annual report their terms of office shall expire and an election held for officers for the ensuing year
VI It is expected and required of each retiring president to tender the members of the association and banquet.
Article II
Section I The admission fee required to entitle a person to membership shall be Fifty cents.
II The secretary shall send a notice in writing to any person elected to membership in the association notifying him of the fact and in case of his rejection shall also notify him in writing.
III Whenever any candidate shall be proposed for membership in this association it shall be in order to debate the expediency on propr---- of his admission. The application shall then be refered to the
Page 11
Board of Censors who shall make their report on same at the next regular meeting if practicable: all debate thereinto shall be held under a strict and perpetual injunction of secrecy and any member who shall directly or indirectly in any manner whatever disclose to any person who was not a member at the time of such debate, any language used in such debate, or the course of himself or any other member in relation to the proposition shall be expelled from the association.
IV There shall be paid to the treasurer for general purposes, fifteen cents each month by each member of the association To be paid at each regular meeting.
Article III
Section I The Secretary shall have charge of all the money of the association and shall keep a regular account of the receipts and disbursements thereof and shall attend to the collection of all sums due the association .
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II He shall it least two weeks before each annual meeting exhibit to the Board of Censors a full account of his receipt and disbursements during the year preceding in which the items shall be given in detail, showing the amount received and the account on which the same was respectively paid and the disbursements shall be supported by proper vouchers.
III The Board of Censors shall examine the Treasurers Report and the vouchers therewith submitted and shall present with their approval or disapproval to the association at its annual meeting.
Article IV
Section I Whenever charges are preferred against any member of the association the same shall be signed by at lease two of the Board of Censors and filed with the Secretary.
II Upon changes being preferred against a member the presiding officer shall set a day for his trial and
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Secretary shall notify the person charged of the time set for his trial and furnish him with a copy of the charges & specification at least thirty days the time set for his trial, and the President shall call a special meeting of the association for the trial of the accused, which shall be regulated by the ordinary rules of court of justice so far as they may be applicable.
Article V
Section I The Secretary shall keep in a proper book a full record of all the proceedings of the association. He shall call the roll at the opening of each meeting and record the names of members present and absent.
II All report of the Board of Censors & officers & committees of the association shall be recorded by the Secretary.
III The Secretary shall supervise and conduct all correspondence of the association
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And shall present a copy of all letter written in behalf of the association and a file of all communications received.
IV The books of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be open at all time for the inspection of the members. Article VI
Section I The usual parliamentary rules governing deliberative bothing shall regulate the business transactions of the association.
Article VII
Section I The Board of Censor which constitute a committee of reference to whom all matters of difference or question of profession or courtesy between members may be referred and they shall decide the matter in dispute If however wither party thinks himself aggrieved he may appeal fra--- their decision to the association whose decision shall be final.
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Article VIII
Section I The association shall determine at each regular meeting the place of the next regular meeting.
Article IX
Section I Honorary members may be elected by a two-thirds vote of the association at a regular meeting. They shall participate in all the proceeding of the association except balloting.
II All medical mem. Dentist, students, pharmacists, etc. shall be invited to attend the meeting of the assn.
After the adoption of the Constitutions and By-Laws, The association adjourned to meet again Monday, Jan. 23, 1899
J. Phillip, President P.J. Phillips, Secretary
Page 16 & 17

No.      Name		   When Graduated	   Where Graduated	   Post Office Address

1 A.J. Farrell 1883 College of Physician Wharton & Surgeons Baltimore Md. 2 J.A. Davidson 1886 Tulane University � 3 G.L. Davidson 1889 Medical College of Ala. � 4 J.M. Andrews 1894 Memphis Med College Tenn � 5 Jack Phillips 1860 University of La � 6 Aug. Saltman University of War- Cus- � Germany 7 J.T. Bolton 1860 New Orleans School of med. � 8 P.J. Phillips 1894 Kentucky School of Med. � 9 M.M. Pool 1895 Med College of Va. Richmond El Campo 10 J.G. Harris 1880 Atlanta Med C, At Ga � 11 W.A. McCamly 1869 University La� Wharton 12 O.F. Bonham 1883 Certificate 19th Jud Dist 12 L.C. Carleton 1892 Certificate 23rd Judicial El Campo District State of Texas
Page 18 Jany 23, 1899 � The Associations of Physicians and Surgeons of Wharton Co. met in extra session at the office of Drs. Davidson and Davidson at 2 o�clock P.M. this day � Dr. Jno T Bolton was received as a charter member of the association: The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary and unanimously adopted.
The next business before the association was the report of the Committee on the Fee Bill which was presented by Dr. G. L. Davidson, one of its members. After the reading of this report and before it had been discussed in any great length, Dr. B.R. Valls withdrew very unceremoniously from the association giving as his reasons that the amts. stipulated in the Bill of Fees were exorbitant and avoiding that he would practice under no such restrictions or rules � On motion of Dr. G. L. Davidson which received general seconds; t--- voted & carried that we with-draw fellowship from Dr. Valls as a member of this association and also we refuse to consult with
Page 19
him as a Physicians: T--- also agreed that if any member of the association should be called to a patient & then find Dr. Valls, that we positively refuse to prescribe for patient until he is out of the case. That is until he is no longer regarded as an attending physician upon the case.
After the departure of Dr. Vall the Fee Bill was fully discussed at considerable length and was finally adopted as follows
Prescription							$ 1.00
         �     and Medicine				$ 1.00 to 2.00  
Visits in town and up to 2 miles				   2.00
    �      �  country over   �     �      per mile			   1.00
    �      �  town over 2 & not more than 4  per day		   5.00
Detention   all day						 10.00
      �             �    �						 10.00
Simple Labor					           15.00 to 25.00
Forceps Delivery				         50.00 to 100.00
Detention in Labor over 12 hrs.       per hour                            1.00
Acute Lacerations of Perineum		           10.00 to 15.00
Chronic       �          �       �			           25.00 to 50.00
Cranistomy					         50.00 to 100.00
Administrating Chloroform					   5.00
Syphilis (uncomplicated)			           10.00 to 25.00
    �    Secondary and Tertiary		                       25.00 to 50.00
Chancraid 					           10.00 to 25.00
       �          with P------			           15.00 to 40.00
Circumcision					           10.00 to 25.00

Page 20
Continuance of Fee Bill

Laucind Bubor						   5.00
Gonorrh--						 5.00 to 25.00
     �   with complications			           10.00 to 40.00
Amputating:	Leg				         75.00 to 150.00
         �	Arm				         50.00 to 100.00
         �	Finger				           10.00 to 25.00
         �	Toe				           10.00 to 25.00
         �   foot with after --------			             50.00
         �   hand   �       �	      �					 50.00
         �   U----  �       �       �				 5.00 to 10.00
         �   Traphi----   �       �			         50.00 to 100.00
Exterfation of the eye      		                       15.00 to 50.00
Excision of Tonsil				           25.00 to 50.00           	
Trachotomy					           25.00 to 50.00
Removing foreign body   Eye,nose,ear		               5.00
Lanced Boils & Bone faler				               1.00
   �    Palman abscess				               2.00 to 5.00
Operation Fistula in Ano			           25.00 to 50.00
       Hemorrhoids				           10.00 to 50.00
Treatment of Abortion			           20.00 to 40.00
Removing Placenta				           10.00 to 25.00
Fracture Forearm     Simple			           10.00 to 25.00
      �            �           Compound		           15.00 to 35.00
      �      Humours				           10.00 to 25.00
      �            �           Compound		           15.00 to 35.00
      �       Clavicle				           10.00 to 20.00
      �       Seg					           10.00 to 25.00
      �       Thigh				         25.00 to 100.00
      �       Inferior Maxillary			           25.00 to 50.00
Dislocation Wrist					             10.00
      �            Elbow				           10.00 to 25.00
      �            Shoulder				           10.00 to 25.00
      �            Inferior Maxillary			             10.00
      �            Ankle				                         15.00

Page 21

Dislocation  Knee joint					 20.00 
        �           hip       �				           40.00 to 50.00
Castration					           25.00 to 50.00
Laparotomy					     100.00 to 1000.00	 
Curatting and Packing Uterus			           15.00 to 40.00
Treatment Lencorr--- & Ceruicitis		           10.00 to 25.00
Examination  Vaginal & Rectal				   5.00

On motion of Dr. J.C. Davidson the following amendment was made to the By-Laws:
�No member of the association shall do family or private practice by contracts� Motion made & carried that Dr. Aug Saltman be made one of the Board of Censors to succeed Dr Dr. Valls, who resigned.- The secretary was ordered to have printed twenty five or more exact copies of the Fee Bill , so that each member might be furnished with a copy � the meeting then adjourned until the next regular meeting day.
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Tuesday, Feb 7, the association met at the hour agreed upon 2 P.M. at the office of Drs. Davidson and Davidson After the calling of the roll the minutes of the preceding Meeting were read and adopted. On motion Dr. Teague was elected a charter member Of the association; Dr. G.L. Davidson made motion that the secretary be instructed to Write a special invitation to Dr. Howard Carlton of El Campo asking him to join this association as an honorary member which carried.
On motion of Dr. McCamly a committee consisting of those member was appointed To connect though the Wharton papers some false and malicious statements which have been made regarding the Fee Bill recently adopted by the association.
Dr. G.L. Davidson Dr. A.M. Farrell & Dr. H.A. McCamly were appointed on this committee. On motion of Dr. G.L. Davidson that the President appoint one member at each meeting to prepare a paper on same subject of his own selection to be read at the next regular meeting Dr. J.C. Davidson received this appointment. Monthly dues collected by the Sec
Page 23
Amounting to One Dollar & five cents. A bill from the Wharton Spectator for printing the Fee Bill was presented the amt. $2.50. Secretary ordered to make draught on Treasurer for same. No further business the meeting adjourned.
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March 7, the association of Physicians and Surgeons of Wharton Co held its regular monthly meeting in the town of Wharton with Dr. P.J. Phillips, Pres. in the chair.
The Roll call formed the following member present: Drs. Phillips, Davidson, Davidson, Andrews, Saltman, McCamly and Phillips. The board of censors presented a favorable report on the application of Dr. Harris, Pael and Seyman-. Upon taking a vote each of these gentlemen were unanimously elected a member of the association and the secretary instructed to give them notice in the usual way. A motion by Dr. G.L. Davidson to amend Article III, Sec. II of the constitution. Is as to read �who shall report upon it at their earliest opportunity. The motion prevailed instead of at the next regular meeting of the association. Motion by G.L. Davidson to amend Art. VI, Sec I, Constitution � making five members present a quorum instead of seven. Motion prevailed. Motion by Dr. Pool add the following article to By-Laws. That all medical mem, Dentist , Pharmcist and students who are not memebers of the association be invited to attend its meeting, carried motion. Phillips P.J. to amend Art III, Sec. I By-Laws: Relieving the Treasurer of the duty
Page 25
And giving the Sec. power to collect all money due the association. Dr. Howard Carleton was elected to honorary membership. Motion by Dr. G.L. Davidson. The Pres. and Sec. constitute a committee to select members to prepare papers also to appoint two members to lead discussion on each subject. Dr. M.M. Pool appointed to write a paper on La Grippe. Dr. Andrews and Dr. Carleton to lead the discussion. Dr. J.C. Davidson appointed to write on pneumonia. Dr. Saltman and G.L. Davidson to lead the discussion.
On suggestion of Dr. G.L. Davidson all members are requested to report to the association any peculiar on interesting cases which may be found in their practice. Dr. Harris was appointed to prepare a paper on medical ethics to be read at the next meeting. The sec. was instructed to furnish the two cal-red physicians of Wharton each the Fee Bill. Adopted by the assn. Motion to adjourn: carried P.J. Phillips, Sec.
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April 4, 1899
The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of Wharton Co. held its regular monthly meeting at the usual place the office of Drs. Davidson & Davidson in Wharton on Tuesday, Apr. 4, 1899, Dr. J Phillips Pres. in the the chair. Seven members responded to the roll call. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read by the Secretary and adopted.
The board of censors presented a favorable report on the application of Dr. Redivine of El Campo for membership: after which he was duly elected a member of the associations Dr. J. C. Davidson read a very interesting paper on Pneumonia, which was discussed at considerable length by Drs. G.L. Davidson and Dr. Aug Saltman as well as the other members present. Dr. A.J. Farrell was appointed to read a paper on Typhoid fever & Dr. Andrews & McCamley to lead discussion as same.
The Sec was instructed to extend an invitation to the members in the country & other towns & ask to be allowed to entertain them while in Wharton, on motion Dr. Pool read paper on La Griffe at next meeting May 2.
P.J. Phillips, Sec
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The association of Physicians and Surgeons of Wharton Co met in Wharton on Tues, May 2, that being its regular meeting day � Nine members being present at the roll call. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted.
Dr. M.M. Pool of El Campo read an interesting and instructive paper on La Grippe the discussion of which was lead by Dr. Andrews, followed by Drs. Saltman, G.L. Davidson and others. The next feature of the program was Dr. Farrell�s paper on Typhoid Fever, which was discussed at considerable length by most of the members present.
The President appointed Drs. G. L. Davidson and P.J. Phillips to prepare paper to be read at the next meeting on Cholera Infaution and Malarial Haimafuria respectfully. The former to be discussed by Drs. Saltman and Farrell, the latter by Drs. Andrews and J. C. Davidson. On motion the Secretary was given authority to make draft on Treasurer for money until which to purchase stationary & stamps. Dr. Bolton was made an honorary member: all back dues being remitted and he being relieved of paying dues in the future.
P.J. Phillips, Sec.
[Page 28]
Wharton Texas
May 6 � 1899
The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of Wharton County met and was called to order by the President in the office of Drs. Davidson and Davidson in the town of Wharton on Tuesday, May 6-1899. Seven members present at roll call, minutes of previous meeting read and approved Dr. Harris of El Campo read an interesting article on Medical Ethics which was adopted as the code of this Association. Dr. G. L. Davidson read an article on Cholera Infaution which was discussed at length by all the members present.
Motion made by Dr. G. L. Davidson and carried that a resolution be passed thanking Dr. P.J. Phillips for his valuable service as Secty of this Association and expressing our deepest regrets of his absence from among us also wishing him much success in his new field, Dr. G. L. Davison was elected to fill the vacancy created by Dr. P.J. Phillips as Secty, of the assn, who so recently moved to Montgomery Tex, Dr. J. M. Andrews was appointed to read a paper on Dysentory at the next meeting. Dr. J. C. Davidson and A. J. Farrell to open discussion on same.
Association adjourned to meet in Wharton on the 4th day July 1899.
G.L. Davidson Secty
[Page 29]
Wharton Texas
July 4th 1899
The Association of Physicians & Surgeons met in regular monthly session at the office of Drs. Davidson, was called to order President Dr. J. Phillips members present were W.A. McCamley, J.C. Davidson, Aug. Saltman and G. L. Davidson.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved, Dr. Andrews read and interesting article on Dysentary, discussion opened by Drs. A. J. Farrell and J. C. Davidson followed by all members present.
Dr. W. A. McCamley eas appointed to write an article on Cerebro-Spinal Miningitis and Dr. Redwine an article on Black Jaundice to be read at next meeting. Drs. Davidson & Saltman to open discussion on the former and Drs. Andrews and Farrell the latter no further business coming before the assn the meeting was adjourned.
G.L. Davidson Secty
[adopted written in pencil at bottom of page]
[Page 30]
Minutes Wharton, Texas
Dec. 5-1899
The Association of Physicians and Surgeons of Wharton county met in regular session at one o�clock at Dr. Davidsons office.
Dr. J. Phillips President in the chair.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Dr. W.A. McCamly, read a very interesting article on cerebro-spinal meningitis Dr. Andrews and Farrell opened discussion after which it was discussed at length by other members of the Assn, [a motion made and carried that]
The following program for next meeting was adopted
1st A paper on Membranous Croupe by Dr. J. C. Davidson discussion by Drs. Saltman & McCamly.
2nd A paper by Dr. A. J. Farrell on Puerperal Fever discussion by Drs. Pool & Harris.
3rd A paper by Dr. Redwine on Scarlet Fever discussion by Drs. Andrews & Farrell. A motion made and carried that we have an oyster banquet at our next regular meeting Jan. 2nd 1900, - meeting adjourned to meet at the Goldman House to eat oysters 4 o�clock p.m.
G.L. Davidson Secty.
[Page 33]
Minutes A.P.& S. W.C.
Wharton Texas Jan 2-1900
The Association Physicians & Surgeons of Wharton County met in regular session at the office of Drs. Davidson at 2 o�clock, Vice President Dr. J. M. Andrews in the chair.
The President Dr. Jack Phillips presented his resignation which was accepted by a large majority.
Dr. J. T. Harris of El Campo was elected President to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Phillips.
A motion was made and carried that we invite the Physicians of Fort Bend and Jackson Counties to join us in the organization of a Tri-County Medical Association and the Secty so instructed to notify them.
A motion made and carried the after the Feby. Meeting that we change the time do of meeting from monthly to quarterly.
Dr. W. L. Davidson was elected to membership
Dr. Redwine of El Campo read a very interesting & complete paper on Scarlet Fever which was discussed at length by members present. The discussion of this paper consumed so much time that all other papers on the program were postponed until next meeting.
The papers to be read at the next meeting Feby. 6th are as follows: Membranous Croupe by Dr. J. C. Davidson to be discussed by Drs. Saltman and
[page 34] McCamly Puerperal Fever by Dr. A. J. Farrell to be discussed by Drs., Pool & Harris of El Campo.
The Association after disposing [with] of the business & program repared to the Drummers Home where there was awaiting an elegant spread of oysters in all styles.
G.L. Davidson, M.D.
Secty. [adopted � written in pencil at bottom of page]
[Page 37]
Aug 18th 1903
Wharton Co. Med. Society Organized
A meeting of physicians was held at the Court House Aug. 18th 1903 for the purpose of organizing a permanent Medical Society of Physician of Wharton Co. This society being a branch of the State Medical Society. Dr. Walter Schropshier of Yokum --- of the District organizers being present made us a strong speech advocating organized work among physicians explaining the necessity of Co. Medical Societys their relation to State and National Medical Societys the good which would eminate from its teachings in a local as well as in a general way. After finishing his address De. Schropshier moved that Dr. G. L. Davidson be made Tem, Chairman.
Dr. Davidson upon taking the chair announced that The Wharton Co. Med. Society was now organized and ready for the transaction of business. The first business was the receiving and enrolling of members. Those who were present and those who filed application for membership were are follows:
Dr. Jack Phillips			Wharton	Texas
Dr. W.A. McCamly			      �		     �
Dr. J. W. Teague			      �		     �
Dr. G. L. Davidson			      �   		     �
Dr. S. M. Applewhite			      �		     �
Dr. J. M. Andrews			      �		     �

[Page 38]

Dr. W. D. Ray				East Bernard	   Tx	
Dr. H. H. McConnoghy		Hungerford	    �
Dr. W. B. Cline			Lane City	    �
Dr. A. P. Redwine			El Campo	    �
Dr. Jno T. Harris			El Campo	    �
Dr. G. M. goldsmith			Iago		    �
Dr. A. Scott				Hungerford	    �
Dr. W. L. Davidson			Glen Flora	    �
The next business to come before the Society was the election of pernment officers.  The following named gentlemen was elected by ballot to serve one term:
For Pres. Dr. G.L. Davidson
  �  V �    Dr. M.M. Pool
  �   Secy Dr. J.M. Andrews
  �   Tres. Dr. D.P. Redwine

	:  Dr. N. D. Ray    to serve   3 yrs		East Bernard
For	:  Dr. J. W. Teague      �       2 yrs		Wharton
Sensor	:  Dr. S. M. Applewhite �     1 yr		Wharton
The organization being perfected the Society adjourned to meet once in each month � the place of holding meeting to be agreed upon by the members of the Society. The first regular meeting to be held Sept. 18th 1903 at the court house in the City of Wharton at 10 o�clock a.m. no further business the society adjourned.
J. M. Andrews Sec.
[Page 41]
The Wharton Co. Medical Society
The Wharton Co. Med. Society held its first regular meeting at the court house in Wharton Tex, Sept 18th 1903. The Society was called to order by Pres. Dr. G. L. Davidson � minutes of previous meeting read and approved Dr. J. W. Jefferies of Louise was unanimously elected to membership and by his own request was given a card of transfer to the Jackson Co. Med. Society.
Miss Hellen Phillips read a paper entitled School Physiology and hygene which was full of interest and caused much discussion by Ed Smith of the Spectator, W. L. Davidson & others. Dr. Jeffries paper on Blood poison and treatment by the Carbolic Acid Method drew forth the greatest discussion � Drs. Pool, Redwine, W.L. Davidson, Goldsmith, Phillips all taking part in the discussion. Dr. McCamly came next with an able paper on Typhoid fever and its treatment discussed by Drs. W.L. Davidson, Pool, Jeffries & others.
Leon M.D. Ivey read a paper on medical jurisprudence which was much appreciated by the ordinance this paper was brief full and instructive.
Dr. Pools paper on Medical Ethics was one of the prettiest of the day [page 42] ably and well read by the author Dr. Goldsmith said he has not the time to prepare paper but would make his talk extemporaneously his subject being the use and abuse of Calomel. The Dr. was fully able to meet all opposition to his views on the subject.
Dr. G. L. Davidson closed the programs by reading his paper his subject was the Modern Methods of Aseptic Treatment of Wounds which was a very instructive paper. Time now being up this paper was not discussed by the society.
Wharton was again selected as the next meeting place. The time being Friday Oct 16th @ 10: o�clock a.m. Roll Call
J. M. Andrews Sec.
[Page 45]
The Wharton Co. Medical Society held its second regular monthly meeting in the court house Oct. 16th 1903 with Dr. G. L. Davidson Pres. in the chain and sec. Andrews recording proceedings approved.
The first business of the Society was to hear the reading of papers and the first to be read was the paper of Dr. Redwine the Dr. being absent his paper was read by the Sec. His subject being [a line and a half was left bland] This was an able paper and drew forth an expression from ever member present, Dr. M.M. pool was next with a paper entitled
Respiratory Emborrasment of the new-born, indicating an infection or intoxication. The Dr. as usual gave us a good and instructive paper which was discussed at length by some of the physicians - Dr. Goldsmiths paper on the importance of a close physical diagnoses was well received and discussed freely Dr. W.A. McCamley came next with a paper on The Treatment of Pneumonia, this paper was fully discussed and rehashed by all members of the Society
Dr. S.M. Applewhite read a paper the report of a case [page 46] of Tonic Spasms of facial muscles giving his treatment and experience with this one case which was new and startling in results this paper was also discussed at length. After the reading of the above paper Dr. J.M. Andrews moved that here after The Wharton Co. Medical Society instead of holding her meetings monthly be made to convene quarterly and that the next meeting of the Society carried.
J.M. Andrews, Sec.
[Page 47]
The Wharton Co. Medical Society held its third regular meeting in the office of Dr. G. L. Davidson Jan. 8th 1904. The Pres. Dr. G. L. Davidson called the Society to order and announced the regular order of business. The sec. read the minutes of previous meeting which was approved. Dr. C. L. Seymour of Bonus was unanimously elected to membership. Motion by Dr. G. L. Davidson that the Wharton Co. Medical Society hereafter meet monthly instead of quarterly as was originally intended. Motion that Dr. M.M. Pool be elected a delegate to the State Med. Assn. carried � motion that Dr. J.M. Andrews, G.L. Davidson, W.L. Davidson, J. Phillips � W.A. McCamley and Dr. C.L. Seymour be named as alternates carried. Dr. J. Phillips read a paper on Black Jaundis giving his observation of a case discussed by Drs. Andrews, W.L. Davidson, Goldsmith and G.L. Davidson. Dr. W. A. McCamley�s paper on Responsibility for disease was an able article and freely discussed by Drs. Bat Smith, Be Dell and others � Dr. W. S. Davidson paper on Billious Recustlen fever was freely discussed by Drs. Smith, Goldsmith, Be Dell and others. This completing the programs for the day the Society adjourned to meet again on Feb. 12th 1904.
J.M. Andrews (sec)
[Page 48-blank]
[Page 51]
Wharton Co. Medical Society
The Wharton Co. Medical Society met in regular session Apr 12th 1904. At the court house in the City of Wharton and intertained the organization of the 8th Dist. Medical Ass�n of Tex.
Hon. R. M. Brown made an exitent address of Welcome to the visiting physician after which Dr. Walter Shropshier of Yoakum addressed the physicians of the 8th Dist. explaining the necessity of organization Co-Operation and consented action � after the completion of the organization of the 8th Dist. Med Ass�n
The Pres. Dr. G. L. Davidson called the Co. Med. Society to order announcing the regular notion of business. Minutes of previous meeting was read and approved � papers was then called for and Dr. M.M. Pool responded with an exilent paper on Carbuncle and its treatment. Other papers were read by Drs. Jeffries, McCamley, G.L. Davison, J.M. Andrews and J. Phillips all on important subjects which was freely discussed by members present.
J.W. Andrews Sec.
[Page 52-blank]
[Page 53]
Wharton Co. Med Society
The Wharton Co. Med Society held the first annual meeting in the City Hall in Wharton, Tex Aug-19 1904.
The Pres. Dr. G. L. Davidson in the chair minutes read and approved. The first business was the collection of annual dues to the Co. Medical Society those contributing to this fund was as follows:
Dr. W.A. McCamly			1.00
Dr. W. Scott				1.00
  �   W.L. Davidson			1.00
  �   G. L. Davidson			1.00
  �   J.M. Andrews			1.00
  �   G.M. Goldsmith			1.00
Papers read and discussed at this meeting was as follows, Dr M.M. Pool Treatment of 2nd stage of Labor. Dr. W. L. Davidson Uticoria with spinal reference as to Malaria as a cause Dr. W. A. McCamley Purpeal Sepsis. Officers elected for the next insueing year.
	Pres. Dr. G. L. Davidson	Wharton
    Vice    �    M.M. Pool		El Campo
Sec & Treas. Dr. J.M. Andrews	Wharton
Board of Sensor=
[Page 54-blank]
[Page 55]
The Wharton Co. Medical Society
Met in regular session in the City Hall at Wharton Tex Jan 3 1905 The Pres Dr. G. L. Davidson called the house to order for the transaction of business Roll Call showed the following members present Drs. G. L. Davidson W. L. Davidson M.M. Pool W.B. Cline J.M. Andrews W. A. McCamly and W. D. Ray
The first order of business was the reading of a paper by Dr. W. A. McCamley on Eclampia which was freely discussed by many members of the Society
On motion Dr. I.N. Thompson of El Campo was unanimously elected to membership. On montion Dr. M.M. Pool was elected deligate to State Convention On motion Dr. G. L. Davidson was elected Pres. M.M. Pool V. Pres.J.M Andrews Sec & Treas. For the yer 1905. On motion Dr J.W. Teague Dr. W.D. Ray and Dr. W. A. McCamly was elected. Sensors for 1905 in the [order] following order Teague two year, Ray three years, McCamly one year. On motion the following subject was selected to be read before the next meeting of the Society Vis � Brights Disease to be devided as follows
1st Eliology & Diagnoses  W. B. Cline
2nd Pathology  Dr. Griffen
3rd Complication & Sepullal  D.P. Redwine
4th Treatment  W. L. Davidson 
� on motion the society adj. to meet the 3rd Wednesday in each month
J.M. Andrews, Secy
[Page 56-blank]
[Page 57]
The Wharton County Medical Society met in regular session in the office of Dr. G. L. Davidson in the city of Wharton Maar. 17th 1905. The Pres. Dr. G. L. Davidson in the chair members present were Drs. W.A. McCamley, G.L. Davidson, W.L. Davidson, D.P. Redwine and J.M. Andrews. The first business was the reading of papers by the different members to witt Paper by Dr. w. A. McCamley subject �The Attitude of Physicians and patients to the Science and Art of Medicine� the Drs. Paper was so instructive and so well compiled that the entire Society voted to have some read before the 8th Dist Med Ass�n to conviene at Eagle Lake after which to be published in the State Medical Journal and the county papers Dr. J.M. Andrews, W.L. Davidson, D.P. Redwine read a paper on �Brights Disease� each gentlemen taking his section all papers were instruction with a taint of originality due to self experience to which the Wharton Co. Physicians or famous No further business the house ajorned to meet again on 3rd Friday in April 1905.
J.M. Andrews Secy
[Page 58-blank]
[Page 59]
The Wharton Co. Med. Society held its Sixteenth monthly meeting at El Campo Tex, Friday Dec 28 � 1905 with seven members present Dr. G. L. Davidson of Wharton called the Society to order and the business of the Society was disposed of in general order. The chair moved to elect the following gentlemen to membership, the Wharton Co Med Society carried Dr. T. G. Duncan Victoria, Dr. H.L. Grant El Campo and Dr. A. L. Lencecum of Louise � motion by Dr. Griffin that the chair appoint the [?press?] com carried the following gentlemen being named by the chair.
Dr. M.M. Pool and Dr. H.L. Grant		El Campo
Dr. W.A. McCamley, Dr. J.M. Andrews	Wharton
And Dr. A. L. Lencecum			Louise

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year.
Prs. Dr. Green L. Davidson		Wharton
V.Prs. Dr. M.M. Pool			El Campo
Sec & Treas Dr. J.M. Andrews	Wharton
	}Dr. D. P. Redwine (3 years	El Campo
Sensors}Dr. H> L. Grant (2 years	El Campo
Delegate } Dr. W. A. McCamley	Wharton
Alternate} Dr. H. L. Grant		El Campo

Motion by chair that we invite Jackson Co. Med. Society to meet in joint session with Wharton Co. Med. Society carried. [page 60] Motion that the date and time of convening the Wharton Co. Medical Society be changes from the 3rd Friday of each month to the 2nd Friday of each month carried � motion that the next meeting be held at Wharton on Friday Jan 12 1906 carried.
The subject selected for next meeting was given in sections � Complication of the p---pial state viz: The use of forsepts in labor Dr. M.M. Pool
Placenta [?preaval?] Dr. D. P Redwine
Post Partum hemorrhage Dr. A. L. Lececum
Prevention & treatment of Sepsis Dr. H. L. Grant
There being no further business the Society adjourned to meet at Wharton Friday Jan 12 � 1906
J.M. Andrews M.D. Sec
[Page 61]
The Wharton-Jackson Co. Medical Society Convened at Wharton Mar. 15 1906 with a good attendance and good programs, Pres. Dr. G. L. Davidson called the convention to order and after the usual preliminary. Papers were read and discussed by the following members. Dr. M.M. Pool read a paper on the use of Forsepts in labor which was very instructive and fully discussed by members present � Dr. W.A. McCamley read a paper on acute Cotorrhul Dysentery its actiology and treatment this was also an able Essay and was freely comented upon. A motion by Dr. McCamley that the names of Dr. O.H. Radkey, W.T. Richmond and Dr. LaBouve of Edna be accepted as members of the Wharton Co. Med. Society and that here after to be known as the Wharton-Jackson Co. Medical Society. No further business the Pres, adjourned the Society to meet on the 2nd Friday of April 1906 at El Campo, Tex
J.M. Andrews Secy
[Page 62-blank]
[Page 63]
A meeting of the Wharton-Jackson Co. Medical Society was held in the City of Wharton on May 18th 1906 �
Dr. G. L. Davidson Pres. called the House to order and the regular routine of business was dispensed with � 1st paper by Dr. W. A. McCamley � subject �Race Suicide� This was and able and instruction paper and was freely discussed by al members present.
Rev. Henderson addressed the Society � his subject � being �The good that the physicians can wield in the sick room�. this was and eloquent address and was appreciated and discussed by most of the members present � A motion to thank Rev. Henderson for his able and instructive address before the Society. Carried A. motion to accep the application of Drs. M.F. Griffen and W.B. Huey as members of this society � carried. Papers to be read at next meeting Tuberculosis, Dr. W.B. Huey, prevention, treatment � and its management in the homes. Whooping Cough and its complications, Dr. D.P. Redwine � Digitalis as a theraputic agt. when indicated and [?conter?] indicated, Dr. W. A. McCamley. This completing the business of the meeting the Society adjourned to meet in El Campo, June 15 1906.
J.M. Andrews Sec
[Page 64-blank]
[Page 65]
The Wharton-Jackson Co Med. Society held its regular monthly meeting in the office of Dr. G. L. Davidson in the city of Wharton on Friday Feb. 21-1908 at 1:30 o�clock p.m.
Dr. G. L. Davidson Pres. called the House to order minutes of previous meeting read and approved. After adjusting some matters of smaller interest � Dr. W. A. McCamley read an able article his subject � being Digitalis its indication and Cauterization's. This paper was thoroughly discussed by every member in the house Dr. a. L. Lincecum came forward with an interesting [?clicue?] which was appreciated for its peculintys at this pincture for Walter Schropshier of Yokum delivered an interesting address along lines helpful to organized medicine. The new members received at this meeting were Drs. Ryon and Ryon of Lane City. The election of officers for the ensuing year are as follows

Pres. Dr. W.B. Huey			El Campo
V.Pres. Dr. G. L. Davidson		Wharton
Sec-Treas. Dr. A. L. Lincecum	Louise
Sensors Dr. Lancaster (2) yrs		Ganado
      and Dr. W. T. Redwine (1) yr	Edna  

Dr. J.M. Andrews was elected delegate to the State Med. Ass�n. W.A. McCamley (alternate)
[Page 66]The next place and time of meeting to be 3rd Friday in March 1908 in Edna, Tex
J.M. Andrews Sec�y
[Page 67]
The Wharton-Jackson Medical Society met as announced at Edna, Tex on Mar 13, 1908 with Pres. Huey in the chair. Those present � being Drs. Hewey and Redwine of El Campo, Lincecum of Louise, Radkey La Bauor of Ganado, Dr. B.H Passmore recommended for membership by censors, Richmond and Lancaster unanimously elected by ballot � address on public interest � How? Walter Hewey discussed by Radkey. Vaccination, urgency of Lancaster discussed by W.T. Richmond. Motion by Lincecum to have Pres. appoint � a com. On programs for the quarter se. by Richmond carried � Drs. G. L. Davidson, Lincecum and Redwine appointed � Cline presented by Lancaster discussed by Radkey, Richmond and LaBauor, Hewey, Redwine and Lincecum closed by Dr. Lancaster � paper � Perineorrophy, Lincecum discussed by Radkey, Lancaster closed by Lincecum.
Next meeting at El Campo, Apr 10/08 motion to ajourn carried
A.L. Lincecum Sec�y
[Page 68]
Wharton-Jackson Co. Medical Society met at Dr. Hueys office at El Campo, April 10th at 10:30 a.m. Dr Huey president presiding: minutes of last meeting read and adopted-
Dr Huey presented an interesting clinic in organic heart trouble Endocarditis � adjouned to meet at [?Presky?] terrain church at 2 pm for Public session,
[?Conuceller?] Walter Shropshire was with us-
The following program was executed and discussed �
Invocation by Rev. J. A. Stephen . El Campo �
Importance of Vaccination W.B. Huey � discussed by Drs. Shropshire, Passmore, Redwine, Richmond and Lincecum.
Reports of cases Dr. Richmond Edna
Duties of Co. Heath officers Andrews
Case of the sick room. D.P. Redwine � discussed by all present.
The relation of the Dr. to the Cayman from a Laymans stand point. Rev. J. A. Stephen.
Adjourned to meet at Wharton on 2nd Friday in June.
A.L. Lincecum Secty.
Approved & adopted
[Page 69]
Wharton-Jackson Co. Med. Society met at the Opera House in Wharton on June 12th 08 � Luncheon served by the Ladies Clubs was the eloquent repast and enjoyed by all present � Toasts to the physicians were offered by the following ladies:
	Mrs. Gratten Houston
	Mrs. C.M. Hughes
	Mrs. Frank Hodges
	Mrs. C. Davidson

Reply by Dr. Lincecum to the Ladies.
Business session opened at 1 pm minutes of last meeting read and adopted � next meeting to be held at on the second Friday in July � members present: Richmond at Edna, Lancaster Ganado, Lincecum Louise, Redwine El Campo, G.S. Davis on V.P. in chair, McCamley & Andrews & J.C. Davidson all present.
Program [for the] rendered at the public session as follows �
Orchestra � rendered a selection
Paper � home methods of prevention of disease � Dr. J.C. Davidson � Wharton, Texas.
3 overture orchestra �
4 School Hygene & sanitation � Prof. White absent �
5 Modern methods of fumigation after infectious disease
Dr. W.H. Lancaster � Ganado, Texas
[Page 70]
Wharton � June 12. continued.
6 Serenade � Moonlight Orchestra
7 Sanitary House keeping
Mrs. S.C. Davidson.
8 Ghost that stare at us or the Great White Plague � W.A. McCamley
9 Women�s Clubs a factor in securing better sanitary conditions � Mrs. J.M. Andrews, Wharton Texas,
10 Waltz � Egyptian Orchestra
11 Disguisition on [the Data of] County health officers � J.W. Andrews
12 Selection Orchestra
Meeting closed with a few remarks thanking the Ladies clubs for their royal entertainment also commending Mrs. Davidson & Andrews for their papers. Also thanking Prof. Ezzell & the Orchestra for the delightful music � by
A.L. Lincecum
[Page 71]
Wharton Texas 12-8-8
The Wharton-Jackson County Medical Society met in Wharton Friday Dec 8 � 1908 � Secretary Dr. A.L. Lincecum being absent. R. J.M. Andrews was elected Secty Protem.
The first business transacted was the election of Dr. P.B. Plotts to membership when he presents his transfer card from Grimes County Society. Election unanimous.
Moved by Dr. G. L. Davidson that the present officers be re elected, passed.
President Dr. Walter B. Huey, El Campo
Vice Pres Dr. G. L. Davidson, Wharton
Secty-Treas Dr. A.L. Lincecum, Glen Flora
Censor Dr. J.C. Davidson, Wharton succeeding Dr. W.A. McCamley, deceased. Dr. O.H. Radkey, Edna, succeeding Dr. Richmond of Edna, Term expired, Dr. W.H. Lancaster, Ganado, Texas, Term expired.
Next meeting at Wharton, Texas, Jany 27-1909
J.M. Andrews Secty, Protem
Adopted as witten
[Page 72]
Wharton-Jackson Co. Med Society met in Dr. J.M. Andrews office Friday 22 of January � Dr. G.L. Davidson, V Pres. chair. Montion by Dr. Lincecum seconded by Dr. J.C. Davidson to draft resolution to Dr. W.A. McCamley deceased. Drs. J.C. Davidson � J.M. Andrews & W.H. Lancaster � appointed � Lincecum read resolution to be spread in minutes of society & published in the co. papers.
Motion by Lincecum second by Andrews to appoint a committee on public Health & Legislation, Dr. Radkey & Lancaster for Jackson Co. Drs. J.C. Davidson & J.W. Andrews for Wharton Co.
Communication from State Health Officer Bramby read � Lincecum of Louise � Lancaster of Jackson � committee.
Moved by Lincecum, seconded by Lancaster to appoint a press committee passed � J.C. Davidson, Lancaster, - Lincecum appointed.
Motion by Lincecum second by J.C. Davidson to appoint a committee on arrangement � entertainment for 8th Dist Society which meets in Wharton � 1909 �
[Page 73]
The following Drs. Appointed. Drs. J.C. Davidson, G.L. Davidson, J.M. Andrews � request date to be set in April . 8
Motion by Lincecum to appoint a committee on programs second by Andrews carried G.C. Davidson & Lincecum appointed
` A.L. Lincecum Secty
Approved � Feby 19 1909
[Page 74]
Wharton-Jackson Co. Med. Society met in Dr. G.L. Davidsons office Friday, Feby 19 at Wharton. Roll Call Huey, Lancaster, g.L. Davidson, Jno Andrews, Lincecum present.
Minutes of last meeting read and adopted meetin set for El Campo Mar 19-09 � motion by Lancaster to adjourn carried
A.L. Lincecum Secty.
El Campo Texas, March 19-09 � met in office of Dr. Huey, Dr. Lincecum secty being absent Dr. J.M. Andrew was appointed Secty Protem. Dr. Lancaster read a paper subject Sanitation of Public School buildings, which was well received and thoroughly discussed by all physicians present. Moved by Dr. G.L. Davidson & seconded by Dr. J.M. Andrews that Dr. Lancaster paper is published in all the weekly papers in Wharton-Jackson County�s. carried.
Dr. Huey next read a paper on Eutero-Cality, discussed by all present �
Motion by Huey seconded by Lancaster to ask for D. Lincecums resignation as secretary of Wharton-Jackson Co. Secty for failure to be present at El Campo meeting � carried. It takes 2/3 vote of Society to expunge this from the minutes. Motion to adjourned carried.
J.M.Andrews, Secty Protem
[Page 75]
Wharton-Jackson County Society met in Wharton on April 8th in Opera
House, Dr. G.L Davidson, Vice President presiding. Answering=
Dr. W.L. Davidson	Glen Flora
 �    G.L.       �		Wharton
 �     J.C.       �		      �
 �     J.M. Andrews	      �
 �     A.L. Lincecum	Louise
The 8th District medical assn. met with us as our guests at 12 noon, we entertained them at Nations Hotel with a Luncheon assisted by the Ladies of Wharton/ Who are the best entertainers on the civilized world � Dr. John T. Moore of Galveston was guest of honor �
Motion by Andrews seconded by W.L. Davidson to order the treasurer to pay $20.00 expense for entertaining 8th Dist. Association � carried.
Motion to adjourn carried. A.L. Lincecum
Moved & seconded, approved.
[Page 76]
April 19th Special Session
To endorse the State Health Board bill & instruct the Delegate to S.M.A. to take like action, Dr. Huey in chair
A.L. Lincecum, Secte.
Endorsement Unaminous
Approved/Nov 19-1909
[Page 77]
Nov 19-1909
Wharton-Jackson County Medical Society met in regular session at Dr. D.P. Redwine office in El campo, Texas with
Dr. Walter B. Huey President in chair.
	A.L. Lincecum  Secty
Dr. Claud L. Jones East Bernard Dr. W.H. Lancaster Ganado Dr. B.H. Passmore, Dr. D.P. Redwine, Dr. M.M. Pool guest.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Motion by Lincecum to pass resolution of respect to Dr. W.D. Ray of East Bernard Te4xas, deceased. Said resolution to be spread on the minutes and a copy sent to the family � seconded by Dr. W. H. Lancaster, Ganado, Texas. Carried � committee Dr. Lancaster, Jones & Pool appointed. Moved & seconded that we hold the next regular meeting in Wharton on De. 17th � annual election of officers. Carried.
Phote Micrography Illustrated by Dr. W.H. Huey � motion to adjourn carried.
[Page 78-Nov 19 continued]
Resolution, Whereas, the supreme ruler of the universe has in his wisdom, seen cause to remove from our midst and co-operation our belived brother and worthy member of the Wharton-Jackson County Medial Society.
Dr. W.D. Ray � of East Bernard, Texas, be it resolved
1st That the society and the profession lost an earnest and loyal member and the community a noble citizen
2nd That the Society as a body extend their Sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family and to the community in which he lived. 3rd That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Society and a copy of the same be hande4d to the family of the deceased brother
		W.H. Lancaster
		M.M. Pool
		C.S. Jones
A.L. Lincecum, Secty.
[Page 79]
Wharton, Texas � Jan. 3-1910
The Wharton-Jackson County Medial Society met in adjourned session at Wharton. President Dr. W.B. Huey in the chair.
Following members present Drs. Walter Huey, M.M. Andrews, J.C. Davidson, H.L. Grant, Dr. Boone, G.L. Davidson.
Dr. Boone was elected to membership on transfer card from fort Bend county Medical Society � The Society went into the election of officers for the ensuring year with the following results.
	President		Dr. J.M. Andrews
	Vice  �			  �   J.C. Davidson
	Secty & Treas.		  �  G.L. Davidson 
	Delegate		  �   A.L. Lincecum
	Alternate		  �   W.B. Huey

Censors: Lancaster, Redwine & Boone.
The Society voted to meet quarterly instead of monthly, Adjourned to meet in El Campo, April 7th with 8th Dist. Society.
G.L. Davidson, Secty
[Page 80]
Wharton, Texas July 28-1910
The Wharton-Jackson County Medical Society met in called session, President J.M. Andrews in the chair.
Members present Drs. W.H. Lancaster, J.M. Andrews, H.C. Boone, J.C. Davidson, G.L. Davidson,
Dr. W.H. Lancaster of Ganado read a very exhaustive and instructive paper on Gonorrhea in the female which was very highly appreciated by the faculty and was discussed at considerable length by all members present. No further business coming before the meeting the society adjourned.
[Page 81]
Wharton Texas Mch 1-1911 The Wahrton-Jackson County Medical Soeiety Met in call session at Wharton.
Members present Drs. A.L. Lincecum, J.C. Davidson, M.M. Andrews, H.C. Boone, Dr. W.H. Lancaster was elected President, Dr. J.C.Davidson, Vice President, Dr. H.C. Boone Sect. & Treas., Dr. Radkey of Edna and W.L. Davdison of Glen Flora were elected censors, Dr. W.L. Davison was elected delegate to the State Association Dr. A. L. Lincecum alternate.
[Page 82]
Wharton & Jackson Co. Med. Society Wharton & Jackson Co. Med.r. W.H. Lancaster, J.C. Davidson, W.L. Davidson, G.L. Davidson, Redwine, Andrews, Lincecum, Boome, visitors Dr. Shropshire Yoakum & Dr. Neal Glen Flora.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved Dr. Neals � application for membership was received and referred to committee, Resolution by Dr. Shropshire
Resolve that every member of this society shall confirm their consultation to society members as for as possible. Was carried. No further business meetin g adjourned
H.C. Boone, Secty.
[Page 83]
November 17, 1911
The Wharton-Jackson Medical Society met in El Campo and was called to order at 3 p.m. by the President, Dr. Lancaster who appointed Drs. Lincecum Secy. Protem. Members present Dr. Lancaster, Redwine, Huey, Passmore, Lincecum. Visiting physicians Drs. Hake of Louise and Hogg of Edna.
Dr. Lancaster report a case of Cholelityterasus � discussed by those present. Dr. Huey reported case of ovarian cyst with hysterectomy and read a paper on imperforate anum in the new born and reported a case. Dr. Lincecum reported a case of [?Imtussusception?] with gangrene and death and one of fibrord degeneration of appendix. Dr. Hoggs read paper on Syslulis and 6 0 6. It was moved seconded and carried that Dr. Neal of Glen Flora be elected to membership.
Application membership by Dr. C.C.Hake of Louise received and passed to board of censors for approval. Application of Dr. Garrett Hogg of Edna, dame.
Moved seconded and carried that society meet in El Campo on Dec. 15 1911. Society adjourned.
A.S. Lincecum, Secy Protem
[Page 84]
Wharton-Jackson Co. Med. Society
Met in regular session at El Campo on Friday, Feby 21st 1913. Members present: Redwine, Passmore, Grant, Lincecum, of El Campo, Lancaster, Ganado, Hake, Louise, G.L. Davidson, Andrews, Boone of Wharton. Guests, Oldham, Ahleuan & Shropshire, Yoakum, session in cozy theatre,
Election of officers
Green L. Davidson, President
H.C. Boone, V.P.
J.M. Andrews, secty & treas.
W.H. Lancaster, Ganado, Censor	3 yrs
W.L. Davidson, Glen Flora    �	2 yrs
D.P. Redwine, El Campo       �	1 yr
A.L. Lincecum, Delegate, srv		   yr
B.H. Passmore, Alternate                        �
Adjourned to hear Dr. Shropshire lecture on Hook worm at cozy about 800 people heard the lecture which was very beautifully illustrated with stereopticon sliders, next meeting to be held at Wharton 3rd Friday in Mch.
A.L. Lincecum, Secty
[Letter from Dept of Public Health]

Austin, Texas, 4/12/09.
Dear Doctor:
You no doubt have learned of the action of the Legislature in passing the Board of Health bill. The bill in the main is a good one and gives the health Department a working basis and enlarged power.
It occurred to me that your County Medical Society would have another meeting before the State Meeting and it would be proper at the County Meeting to indorse the action of the Legislature and pledge the Society to aid the Board of Health in every possible way.
The board of Health Bill as you know was passed in response, in most part, to the demands and efforts of organized medicine in Texas and for this reason would be pleased if your Society would take this matter up and pass such resolutions as they deem best, also they might instruct their delegate to the State convention to favor a like action in the House of Delegates.
Thanking you in advance for any interest taken in this matter, I am
Yours very truly, M. Brumby [Page 269]
Dues 1912
	J.M. Andrews			3.25
	G.L. Davidson			3.25
	J.C. Dobbs			3.25
	W.S. Davidson		3.25
	H.S. Grant			3.25
Jan31	C.C. Hake			3.25	paid
	Garrett Hogg			3.25
	Claude S. Jones		3.25
Dec15 	W.H. Lancaster		3.25	paid
	A.L. Lincecum		3.25
	B.H. Passmore			3.25
	Frank M. Ryan		3.25
	Oscar H. Ryan			3.25
	D.P. Redwine			3.25	paid
	O.H. Radkey			3.25
R.E.L. Lauve			3.25
H.C. Boone			3.25
J.C. Davidson			3.25
W.T. Richmond		3.25
W.B. Huey			3.25

[Page 270 & 271]

	        Dues � 1911				W-J	T.S.M.A.	8th Dist.
	W.H. Lancaster		3.25	paid	1.00	    2.00		     25
	A.L. Lincecum		3.25 	paid	1.00	    2.00		     
	D.P. Redwine			3.25	paid	1.00	    2.00
	W.B. Huey			3.25 	paid	1.00	    2.00
	B.H. Passmore			3.25	paid	1.00	    2.00
	J.C. Dobbs			3.25 	paid	1.00	    2.00
	W.L. Davidson		3.25	paid	1.00	    2.00
	Oscar H. Ryan			3.25	paid	1.00	    2.00
	Frank M. Ryan		3.25	paid	1.00	    2.00
	O.H. Radkey			3.25
	R.E. L. Lauve			3.25
	W.T. Richmond		3.25
	J.M. Andrews			3.25	paid		     2.00
	J.C. Davidson			3.25
	G.L. Davidson			3.25	paid		     2.00
	H.C. Boone			3.25
	C.L. Jones			3.25

[Inserted at top of page 271 � Holman Taylor Secty, Fort Worth, P.E. Parker, Secty, Bay City]

[Page 272 & 273]

		Dues 1910				W-J	S.M.A.     8th Dist Assn.
Dec15	W.H. Lancaster-Ganado 	3.25	paid	1.00	2.00 remit	25
   4 15	Claud L. Jones-East Bernard	3.25	paid	1.00	2.00 remit	25
   �    	O.H. Radkey-Edna		3.25	paid	1.00	2.00	�	25
   �	R.E.L. Lauve-Edna		3.25	paid	1.00	2.00     �	25
   �	W.T. Richmond-Edna		3.25		1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	J.C. Dobbs-Ganado		3.25	paid	1.00	2.00 remit	25
  �	A.L. Lincecum-El Campo	3.25	paid	1.00	2.00 remit	25
  �	W.B. Huey-El Campo		3.25		1.00	2.00 	�	25
  �	D.P. Redwine	   �		3.25	paid	1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	B.H. Passmore   �		3.25	   �	1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	M.M. Pool
  �	Green L. Davidson-Wharton	3.25	paid	1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	Judson M. Andrews      �	3.25	paid	1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	John C. Davidson	  �	3.25	   �	1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	Frank M. Ryan- Arnim	3.25	   �	1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	Oscar H. Ryan	       �		3.25	   �	1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	Wm. L. Davidson-Glen Flora	3.25		1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	H.C. Boone-Wharton		3.25	   �	1.00	2.00	�	25
  �	H.L. Grant 			3.25	paid	1.00	2.00 remit	25
Apr	C.C. Hake			3.25		1.00	2.00		25
  �	D.P. Redwine			3.25
  �	Lancaster. W.H.		3.25		1.00	2.00 (pres bill)	25

[Pages 274 & 275 � Cancelled checks, receipts, bank statement & application for membership]

[Page 276]
                              Cash Acct 1909
Jany	1	To balance on hand		9.00		sma
   �	1	To J.M. Andrews Dues	3.25		2.00
   �	1	  �  G.L. Davidson		3.25		2.00
   �	1	  �   Dr. J.C. Davidson		3.25		2.00
   �	1	  �  W.H. Lancaster		3.25		2.00
   �	1	O.H. Radkey			3.25		2.00
   �	1	R.E.L Lauve			3.25		2.00
   �	1	M. Richmond			3.25		2.00
   �	1	J.C. Dobbs			3.25		2.00
   �	1	D.P. Redwine			3.25		2.00
   �	1	Walter B. Huey		3.25		2.00
   �	1	A.L Lincecum			3.25		2.00
   �	1	cash donated Legislation	6.75
   �	1	W.L. Davidson-per JM Andres3.25		2.00
   �	1	B.H. Passmore-P. W. Huey	3.25		2.00
   �	1	Wm. Ray			3.25		2.00
				Total	          52.25	8th D.	State
July	1	Claud L. Jones			3.25	  25	2.00
   �	5	Oscar Ryon			3.25	  25	2.00
   �	�	Frank Ryon			3.25	  25	2.00
[Page 277]

		Expense Acct. 1909
Jany	 5	To printing    Cash		  1.50
   �	 �	To stamps			    .50
   �	 1	To cash  state trustees	 	  8.50
   �	18	S.M.A.  to cash dues		22.00
   �	25	S.M.A.  to check--------	  4.00
   �	25	stamps				    .25
   �		5 ma     dues			  4.00
Feby	  1	Stamps 75			
   �	22	8 Dist Dues remit-Dr.Mueller	  3.50  
July	  1	To state assn  C.L. Jones	  2.00
   �	  5	 �     �        �  Dr. Ryons	  4.00
   � 	  5	8th Dist. Jones & Ryons	    .75
Sept.	 10	Stamps	  			    .75  
Aprl	   7	To Expenses of 8th Dist at El Campo  } 
		      check to Lincecum  15.00 }          }Paid to 
		      & Passmore dues 1.00       }16.00 }A.S. Lincecum

[Page 278]
Aug. 19th 1904
Cash received for State & Co. dues

Aug.	19	Dr. W.A. McCamley County		1.00
   �	19	  �   W.L. Davidson	    �		3.00
   �	19	  �   A. Scott		    �		1.00
   �	19	  �   G.L. Davidson    	    �		3.00
   �	19	  �   J.M. Andrews	    �		3.00
   �	19	  �   G.M. Goldsmith	    �		3.00
   �	19	Dr. Thompson State & Co.		3.00
   �	19	Dr. Wm. Ray				3.00
Jan. 1905	Dr. M.M. Pool State			2.00
   �   1905	Dr. D.P. Redwine  State		2.00
Dec. 1905	Dr. J.W. Jeffries        �   & Co.	3.00

[Page 279]
Secretarys Expense Acct.				      Cr.

Jan.	1	Record Index 100 Ex Charges  	30	1.30
  J	1	Stamps & postal cards				  .40

[Page 280]

Dr. J. Phillips
1899						Dr.	Cr.
Jan	19	To Initiation Fee		50	
  �	23	By cash				50
Feb	  7	To monthly Dues		15
  �	  �	By  cash				15
Mch	  7	To Mo Dues			15
Apr	  4	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				30
May	  2	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
June	  6	To Mo Dues			15
July	  4	To Mo Dues			15

1899 	Dr. J.C. Davidson			Dr.	Cr.
Jan	19	To Initiation Fee		50
  �	23	By cash				50
Feb.	  7	To monthly Dues		15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Mch	  7	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Apr	  4	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
May	  7	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
June	  6	To Mo Dues			15
July	  4	 �     �      �			15

[Page 281]

1899	Dr. G.L. Davidson			Dr.	Cr.
Jan	19	To Initiation Fee		50
  �	23	By cash				50
Feb.	  7	To Monthly Dues		15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Mch	  7	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Apr.	  4	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
May	  2	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
June	  6	To Mo dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15

1899	Dr. W.A. McCamly			Dr.	Cr.
Jan. 	19	To Initiation Fee		50
Feb	  7	  � Monthly Dues		15
Mch	  7	  � 	�	�		15
Apr	  4	  �	�	�		15
May	  2	  �	�	�		15
  �	  �	By cash				15
June 	  6	To Mo Dues			15
July	  4	 �	�	�		15
  �	  �	By cash				15

[Page 282]

1899	Dr. J.M. Andrews			Dr.	Cr.
Jan.	19	To Initiation Fee		50
  �	23	By cash				50
Feb.	  7	To Monthly Dues		15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Mch	  7	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Apr.	  4	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
May	  2	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
June	  6	To Mo dues			15
July	  4	  �    �      �			15
  �	  �	By cash				15

1899	Dr. A.J. Farrell			Dr.	Cr.
Jan.	19	To Initiation Fee		50
  �	  �	By cash				50
Feb.	  7	To Monthly Dues		15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Mch	  7	To Mo Dues			15
Apr 	  4	  �     �      �			15
  �	  �	By cash				30
May 	  2	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
June	  6	To Mo Dues			15
July	  4	  �     �      �			15
  �	  �	By cash				15

[Page 283]

1899	Dr. Aug. Saltman			Dr.	Cr.
Jan.	19	To Initiation Fee		50
  �	23	By cash				50
Feb.	  7	To Monthly Dues		15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Mch	  7	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Apr.	  4	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
May	  2	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
June	  6	To Mo dues			15
July	  4	  �    �      �			15
  �	  �	By cash				30

1899	Dr. Jno. T. Bolton			Dr.	Cr.
Jan.	19	To Initiation Fee		50
  �	23	By cash				50
Feb. 	  7	To Monthly Dues		15
Mch	  �	To Mo Dues			15
Apr.	  4	To  �        �			15
  �	  �	By amt, to Bal				35
  �	  �					85	85

[Page 284]

1899	Dr. P.J. Phillips			Dr.	Cr.
Jan	19	To Initiation Fees		50
  �	23	By cash				50
Feb	  7	To Monthly Dues		15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Mch	  7	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
Apr	  4	To Mo Dues			15
Not required to pay dues
[Inserted between columns � on account of services rendered as Sec. not required to pay dues]

�99	Dr. J.W. Teague			Dr.	Cr.
Feb 	  7	To Initiation Fee		50
Mch	  �	To Mo Dues			15
On account of withdrawal			__	65

[Page 285]

	Dr. C.S. Seymour			Dr.	Cr.
Feb 	18	By Cash				50
Mch	  7	To Initiation Fee		50
April	  4	To Mo Dues			15
May	  2	  �    �      �			15
June	  6	  �    �      �			15
July 	  4	  �    �      �			15

	Dr. M.M. Pool				Dr.	Cr.
Mch	  7	To Init Fee			50
  �	  �	By cash				50
Apr	  4	To Mo Dues			15
May	  2	  �    �      �			15
  �	  �	By cash				30
June	  6	To Mo Dues			15
July	  4	  �    �      �			15
Aug	  	To Dues			15
Sept.		To Dues			15
Oct		By cash				90
Nov		To Dues			15

[Page 286]

1899	Dr. J.T. Harris				Dr.	Cr.
Mch	  7	To Init Fee			50
  �	  �	By cash				50
Apr	  4	To Mo Dues			15
May	  2	  �    �      �			15
June	  6	By cash				30
  �	  �	To Mo Dues			15

	Dr. Redwine				Dr	Cr
Apr	  4	To Init Fee			50
  �	  �	By cash				50
May	  2	To Mo Dues			15
  �	  �	By cash				15
June	  6	To Mo Dues			15

[Page 289-blank]

[Page 290]

1899		Cash				Received
Jan	23	To Initiation Fees		4.00
Feb	  7	  �  Monthly Dues		1.05
Mar	  7	  �        �          �		  .60
  �	  �	  �  Init Fees  Pool & Harris	1.00
Apr	  4	  �  Mo Dues			1.55
  �	14	  �  Init Fees Dr. Redwine	  .50
  �	  �	  �     �   Seymour		  .50
May	  2	  �  Mo Dues			1.50
June	  6	  �    �      �			  .30
  �	  �	  �  Initiation Fee Dr. Jefferies  .50
July	  4	  �  Dues			  .90

[Page 291]

1899		Account				Paid Out
Jan 	23	By Amt Pd Outlar for Record Book	      .75
  �	  �	  �     �  Stamps			      .32
  �	  �	  �     �  Rugeley for Stationery	      .30
Feb	  7	  �     �  Spectator Printing Fee Bill	    2.50
Apr 	29	  �     �  Stationery. Stamps		      .50
May	  9	  �     �        �		�		    5.00

[Page 292 & 293]

Roll of Members       Feb  Mch  Apr  May  Jun  July  Aug  Sept  Oct  Nov  Dec  Jan
1    Dr. J.Phillips	p       p       p       p       p     p                                          p
2      �  J.C. Davidson  p       p       p       a       p     p                                          p      p
3      � G.L. Davidson  p       p       p       p       p     p				   p      p
4      �  J.M. Andrews  p       p       p       p       a     p				   p      p
5      � A.J. Farrell       p       a        p       p       a     p                                          p
6      � Aug Saltman    a        p       p       p       a     p                                          p
7      � B.R.Valle
8      � W.A McCamly p       p       p       p       p     a				   p      p
9      � P.J. Phillips       p       p       p       a              a				   a
10    � J.T. Bolton	a        a       a                a      a                                                  a
11    � J.W. Teague               a                p       a      a
12    � M.M. Pool                           a       p       a      a                                         a      a
13    � J.T. Harris                            a      a        p     a				    a      a
14    � C.L. Seymour                              a        a      a                                          a      a
15    � D.P. Redwine                              a        a      a                                          a      p
16    � H. Carleton                                            p     a                                          a      a
17    � O.T. Bonham				 p     a                                          a
18    � J.W. Jefferies                                        a      a                                                  a

[Pages 294 & 295 � Receipts & cancelled check]

[Page 296]

Secretary�s Expense Account
Jan	19	Record Book, L.B. Outlar and Co.			.75
  �	  �	Paper and Envelopes A..A. Rugeley			.30
  �	21	Cash Due Sec for stamps			          _.32
  �	23	By Cash for Treas.				          _______1.37
  �	  �							          1.37	1.37
Feb	  1	To Spectator for printing fee bill		          2.50
  �	  7	By cash Treas							2.50
Apr	27	To A.A. Rugeley					.25
  �	  �	Cash Stamps						.25

[Page 297- Receipts from The State Medical Association of Texas]

[Page 298]

1903		Cash Received		     State & Co. Dues
Aug	18	Dr. Jack Phillips      Dues	3.00
   �	18	  �  W.A. McCamley	�	3.00
   �	18	  �  G.M. Applewhite	�	3.00
   �	18	  �  J.W. Teague	�	3.00
   �	18	  �  G.L. Davidson	�	3.00
   �	18	  �  W.D. Ray		�	3.00
   �	18	  �  J.M. Andrews	�	3.00
   �	18	  �  W.L. Davidson	�	3.00
   �	18	  �  M.M. Pool		�	3.00
   �	18	  �  D.P. Redwine	�	3.00
   �	18	  �  G.M. Goldsmith	�	3.00
   �	18	  �  A. Scott		�	3.00
   �	18	  �  C.L. Seymour	�	3.00
   �	18	  �  W.B. Cline		�	3.00_______

1904		Dr. Jack Phillips Co. Dues	1.00
		  �  W.A. Mc Camley	�	1.00
		  �  J.W. Teague	�	1.00
		  � G.L. Davidson	�	1.00
		  �  W.D. Ray		�	1.00
		  �  J.M. Andrews	�	1.00
		  �  M.M. Pool		�	1.00
		  �  D.P. Redwine	�	1.00
		  �  W.L. Davidson	�	1.00
		  �  W.B. Cline		�	1.00
		  �  Dr. BeDell State & Co	3.00
		  �  Dr. J. W. Jefferies   Co.	1.00_______
		  �  Dr. G.M. Goldsmith		14.00

[Page 299]

1903		Secretary�s Expense Acct			  Cr.
Aug	18	To Forw Dues to State Med Assn		30.00
  �	10	To Eagle for printing programs & badges	  4.75
Sep	10	  �  Spectator for printing programs		  3.75
  �	10	By Sec cash for stamps & cards		  1.95
  �	10	  �  cash for frame for charter			__.75______
								41.20	39.20

Nov	  7	To Spectator prog. & badges			  3.25
Mar	29	To Eagle prog & envelopes & badges	  7.25
  �	31	To cash stamps Dr. Davidson			  1.85
Apr	12	To 50 cups coffee Slaughter			  2.50
  �	12	To Mr. Gentry Services Court House		  2.50
  �	15	  �  Stamps & Etc.				    .35
May 	29	  �  Spectator printing badges			_1.00______
					Paid Out			59.90

[Pages 300 & 301 � Bills & Receipts]