Immigration/Naturalization, Dallas County, Texas
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List of immigrants contained in articles below
(Updated August 2, 2004)


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     Joseph W. Dunkerly and Levi Cerf took out full naturalizations this morning.

- January 27, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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Local Notes.

     Forty-three foreign-born citizens took out naturalization papers yesterday, preparing to vote on the liquor amendment.

- July 11, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 10, col. 2.
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To Carry the Election on the 4th
of August.


Dallas the Headquarters -- Naturalization
Papers Paid For.


Foreigners Fed and Clothed at the
Expense of the Anti-Prohibitionists.


     For the past few days, the deputy district court clerk has been busy making out the first papers of foreigners to become citizens. The unusual number of applicants caused your reporter to make some inquiries outside which partially disclosed a deliberate plant on the part of the leading anti-prohibitionists to concentrate all the unnaturalized foreigners at Dallas and furnish them with money to procure naturalization papers in order that they may vote at the August election. As a further security that they will vote as directed, they are


until after the day of election. Their headquarters are known and, so far as that is concerned, there seems to be no secret in the matter. Men make application for their papers who cannot speak a word of English and have been but a few months from their native land. Can a foreigner vote upon his arrival in this country upon making declaration, through an interpreter, that it is his intention to become a citizen of the United States? If such is the case, the antis will pour into this State before the 4th of August, thousands upon thousands of such men. An American is required to live in the State one year and six months in the county. If the foreigner has not the right to vote upon his delcaration of becoming a citizen, then it is of great importance that such men should be informed.
     The fault is not with the man, but the schemers, the wire pullers. It is a trick by which the antis propse to carry the election.
     It is presumed that the same game is being played in all the cities in the State in which railroads centre.

- July 14, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 1, col. 5.
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The Men Who Are Expected to
Defeat the Prohibition

     As was stated in yesterday's HERALD, a large number of foreigners were making application for their first naturalization papers. They were sent to the clerk's office with a card bearing the name of Mr. Bohny, or some other prominent saloon men, or conducted to the clerk's office by some one whose business it is to look after the unnaturalized.
     The following are a few of those who have in the past two or three days, declared their intention to become American citizens. If these men have not been in the state twelve months, it is not their fault that they vote without authority, but the men who take or send them to the clerk's office:
     Ephram Fredland, Adolph Bessard, Leo Warburg, Gustave Soeffers, Wm. Germs, M. Dragua, M. Digrazier, August Thomas, Leo Walter, Peter Brandind, Chas. Danminsky, H. Metzer, Adam Burgman, Jene M. Guillomard, Ferd Dreschsel, Chas. Pester, Chas. Butts, Mark Bessard, R. Hamierschmidt, John Waggner, Earnst Zschect, Robt. C. Klene, Christian Reed, John Krauss, L.P. Erickson, C. Anderson, Leo Whitfield, Geo. Meyers, sr., Rudolph Gasshardt, S. Schiffman, H. W. Engard, Lewis Burrolt, T. H. Tuck, Ed Grof, Gustave Schultz, Lorens Winters, Ludwick Fern, Ed Beornist, R. Beilhory, Eugine Kline, H. Leehlke, H. Bassons, H. Robinwitz, Simon Rubonowitz, Joseph Levy, Sigmond Mandell, Joseph Louchard, P.G. Mofli[?], Joseph Rahner, Albert Schuman, Albert Huber, Geo. Herbold, H. A. Lawson, L.J. Holm, Henry Burisel, Peter Nook, S. Roth, Carl Hinz, Louis Kolm, Jacob Blatman, Chas. E. Mardolz, L. R. Dichiara, Valentine Bixenatein, P. Facen, H. V. Brucks, Henry Nuss, Stephen Fahrlander, John Gisell, John Wring, Gottlieb Corlen, Max Bauer, C. F. Eylmann, R. Smidt, Peter Miller, F. Fehremback, Gottlieb Schuettzer, Joseph Haas, Christ. Luhr, Edward Sell, Herman Helfer, John Zischang, Max Subsit, S. Latterman, Max Birderstadt, Joseph Lang, E. Miller, Joseph Oirmelang, Alex. [all given], Thomas Beggs, Jacob Amsler, Chas. G. Schaufele, Max Steller, Gat Grob, Joseph Wessner, R. Wetzel, Pat Connell, Herman Schuaber, Albert Duecke, John Schmidt, F. W. Nehmeyer, H. Nehmyer, Chas. Galip, Eugene Clander, P. Ja_met, L. Massage, Casper Steimer, Adolph Rechter, Frank Wsdeig, Wm. Breuning, Emil Hartfield, Harry Chant, Louis Jabens, James Buckenmayer, Henry Dahl, H. Helfenstein, Fritz Hoage, S. L. Mayer, Jacob Hintermann, Chas. Cuchhimer, Chestain Moser, F. Kindberg, A. Cuner, Felix Hintermann, Henry Tobian, G. Turner.

- July 15, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 3, col. 2.
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     In addition to the list of two-hundred naturalized immigrants for voting purposes published in yesterday's HERALD, we give the following batch of late arrivals to American citizenship through the port of the county clerk's office, expenses paid by the saloon men. THIS IS A FACT AND WE CAN PROVE IT. Will American citizens stand such imposition? Here is the list:
     John Brunk, Gottholf Bochle, Fredrick Horl, Charles Petezelk, Adolf Schoch, Frank Muller, Julius Billman, Henry Bean, Charles Stange, Hugo Arons, Henry J. Ludicken, Fred Parker, Edward Hinterman, Charles Miller, John Stemert, Louis Sprunger, Eugene Phenren, Charles Leonhard, Phelix Hinterman, Henry Brans, Abraham Heer, Henry Westerman.

- July 16, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 2, col. 2.
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     THE prohibitionists in every county should have vigilant committees to watch and detect illegal voting or fraudulent handling of votes or returns. All good people of Texas should be determined to prosecute to the end of the law every illegal voter or fraudulent election officer. They cannot defeat the amendment except by fraud, and they know this and admit it by their importation of illegal voters.

- July 18, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 2, col. 1.
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     THE papers of Dallas one year from now will be pretty well filled with reports of trials, convictions, and sentence of three or four hundred unfortunate foreigners who are now being imported into Texas and their naturalization fees paid by the organized saloon-anti forces. It may seem hard that these men should be made to suffer for their ignorance, and Justice would really demand that the manipulators who are the guilty ones should be punished. But the law will only reach the illegal voter, and some one must be punished as an example. These poor deluded people have their expenses paid enroute to the trouble, but will the antis stand by them and get them out of it? If they so intend, can they defeat the law when it is clearly proven as it will be, that the foreigners brought into Dallas three weeks before the election are illegal voters? They will be arrested on the spot.

- July 18, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 2, col. 2.
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Local Notes.

     A leading adopted citizen of Dallas declares ...that he disproves the schemes of the Antis to import and vote the tramps of the United States...but the parties marched to the court house everyday by the Antis are not citizens of this county.

- July 19, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 1, col. 5.
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     To the new importation of foreigners who are being naturalized for the purpose of votes against the prohibition amendment, the HERALD would respectfully suggest through those of their countrymen here who are well enough read in English to be able to interpret for them and who are honest enough to warn them of their danger, that this question of prohibition that the are expected to vote down has two sides, and friends as well as opponents; and its friends do not expect to sit supinely by and submit to fraud and outrage. The friends of prohibition will be at the polls and all about there, and there will be those whose especial business it will be to know who are qualified voters and who are not, and all illegal voters will be duly arrested, tried and punished. Here is the law, and the friends of justice and right among our population from foreign countries, whether they be pro or anti, would do an act of justice and kindness to their ignorant and deluded countrymen by explaining to them fully this law:
     "Article 165. If any person knowing himself not to be a qualified voter, shall at any election held vote for any officer to be then chosen, or for or against any measure or proposition to be determined by said election, he shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary not less than five years.
     As to the first proviso, "any person knowing himself not to be a qualified voter," the law will be read and interpreted to each foreigner offering to vote, and then if he casts a vote, he will be a proper subject for five years in State's prison.

- July 19, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 2, col. 2.
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Last Installment.

     The following are the latest anti importations: They declared yesterday at the court house: -- A. F. Von Derwolk, Hollander; A. J. Rubenstein, Russian; Jacob Meyer, Swiss; Samuel Bachman, Russian; J. Patterson, Irish; Jacob Attler, German; Peter S. Seisks, German; Theodore McMeininge, German; Henry Schnobel, German; Christian Haage, German; Joe Schanblinsky, German.

- July 19, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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     The Sherman Herald quoting the HERALD'S article on the importation of non-English speaking people and naturalizing them for voting purposes, asked these pertinent questions:
     Will free born native American citizens quietly sit down and see their will defeated by foreigners imported and naturalized for the purpose?
     Can any honest anti consent to such a bare-faced outrageous wrong against himself as a bona fide citizen of Texas?
     Will any honest foreigner who has faithfully earned and is entitled to his citizenship countenance such a glaring wrong!
     Can any right-thinking man, native or foreign born, remain with a party guilty of such a crime? for it is a crime, against justice, against right, against law and all common decency.

- July 22, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald (Evening edition), p. 1, col. 4.
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     The antis are preparing to treat the new foreign immigrants like the scheming and unscrupulous politician of the South used the ignorant colored man the first years after his freedom. They got offices at the expense of the fraudulent votes of the colored man and then left him to get out of the trouble as best he could. The colored people learned better, but it cost them, just as it will cost these new immigrants months of trouble and imprisonment to learn that the antis can't make voters out of them till they have complied with Texas laws.

- July 22, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald (Evening edition), p. 1, col. 4.
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It is Wrong.

     A prominent citizen of foreign birth, an anti, declared to the HERALD man this morning, that he no sympathy for a scheme by which tramps of all countries are being marched to the court house and prepared to defeat the will of the people of Texas. "I consider," said he, "that I have a right to vote; because I am acquainted with the sentiment and customs of the country and identified in interest with the people; but many of these imported voters are not qualified by sentiment or law and it is wrong to have them vote."
     The H
ERALD man agreed with him and admired his spirit of fairness and frankness.

- July 27, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald (Noon edition), p. 1, col. 3.
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     An Austin dispatch reports a rumor to the effect that certain free grass politician are going to make an effort in the State Immigration meeting to get a declaration against the lease law as the cause of the cessation in immigration to Texas. If they do make the effort, and will also blame the lease law with the drouth, the measure will be more apt to pass. If the report should be true, the HERALD regards it as the greatest injury to the immigration move which could just now be inflicted; and if the question of lease law and free grass is sprung in that convention, the people of the State will but be confirmed in their suspicion and belief that the real interested opponents of the lease law are also opposed to immigration and will leave nothing undone to keep the western counties free from the invasion of the "man with the hoe." It is to be hoped by all who earnestly desire the success of this immigration move and the progress of development in Texas, that there will be no such dissention as that feared by the Austin correspondent, and the most fruitful harmony will prevail.      The State administration is pledged to immigration and the development of Texas, and Gov. Ross declares that the power of the state, if necessary, shall be used to secure in undisputed possession and enjoyment settlers upon all that is desired of the thirty million acres of school and other public lands. Texas is nearly a unit in this sentiment, and woe should be to the man or interest who would dare counteract or retard the movement.

- December 19, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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     A NEATLY printed and well-written pamphlet, "Some Suggestions to the People of Texas," on the all-absorbing immigration question, is being circulated among the citizens of Dallas and incoming delegates to the State Convention. It is a practical and thorough discussion of the subject and deserves to be carefully read by every man who goes into the convention to-morrow. The author's name is not given, but the manner of treating the question is conclusive evidence that John Howard, the prime mover in the present immigration move is acquainted with the needs of Texas, and understands, too, how the need may be supplied. Read it.

- December 19, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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Largely Attended from all Parts
of Texas.

     The following is the Dallas reception committee of the immigration meeting:
     Gen. W. L. Cabell, J. T. Trezevant, Jr., W. L. Griggs, B. Blankenship, J. P. Murphy, J. C. O'Conner, Seth Shepard, W. C. Connor, E. M. Powell, Alfred Davis, R. V. Tompkins, B. Gibbs, C. A. Keating, J. T. Elliott, W. L. Hall, W. W. White, Thomas Field, W. H. Flippen, E. P. Turner, R. F. Gray, E. M. Tillman, W. H. Abrams, Henry Exall, W. E. Hughes, James Moroney, R. H. Chilton, J. M. Galbraith, W. G. Sterrett, E. G. Childs, Arch Cochran, W. C. Padgitt, Luther Reese, Ben McCullough, W. B. Wright, John N. Simpson, Ed G. Bower, Sam Klein, W. J. Betterson, H. C. Burlew, W. J. Keller, Geo. N. Aldridge, Joseph Dickson, W. L. Crawford, R. B. Godley, C. H. Cooper, W. D. Wylie, Henry[K?] Leake, W. W. Leake, C. E. Gilbert, John Cochran, Major Ewing, Frank Doremus, Philip Sanger, Frank Cockrell, Geo. H. Plowman, S. J. Adams, L. Fellman, J. S. Armstrong, W. S. Simkins, John Henry Brown, Robert Gibson, I. Reinhardt, Chas. Fred Tucker, Henry Coke.
     The doors of the opera house were thrown open at 10 o'clock this morning and delegates began to file in until the lower floor was filled to packing. As they entered, they were seated and divided into senatorial districts--all even numbers seated on the right aisle and odd numbers on the left.
     The personnel of some of the representative bodies were striking and novel. The Sherman delegates wore high stovepipe hats with a broad band of white about three inches in width, and on the lapel, a fine banner on which was printed:


The Athens of Texas;

Sends Greetings to the World.

Population 13,000.

Connected With All Trunk Lines
Leading to the State.

The Heart of the Northern Cotton

The Garden Centre of the State.

Banking capital...............$1,000,000
Invested in factories........500,000
Invested in public school buildings ....75,000
Invested in fine colleges...........100,000
Invested in public buildings.......225,000

Count seat of Grayson county with a population of 75,000 and an area of 960 square miles.

     The temporary chairman-elect then came forward and was introduced by Mr. Daugherty. He made a brief address and his remarks were cut out for the occasion. He opened by saying that "such a representative body of business men are seldom gathered together on earth." The meeting he styled, "unsectional, non-sectarian and non-political." A fit name he had for every section of the vast Lone Star.


     Mayor Connor then came forward and extended a hearty welcome to the delegates in the name of Dallas' municipal government.
     A motion was made and seconded that a committee of one from each senatorial district be selected by members of each respective district to constitute a committee on permanent organization and credentials. After some discussion, the motion carried and a recess of five minutes followed.


     Mr. Exall said that in accord with the wishes of the delegation, he had had a conference with some of [the] railroad officials who expressed themselves as ready to co-operate with the delegates when organization was complete.


     Hon. S. B. Maxey was conducted to the chair and was engaged in an able address when the H
ERALD report had to close.

- December 20, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, pp. 1 & 3.
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     The question of immigration for Texas is simply a business proposition. The people of Texas advertise the resources and advantages of the state as a business man offers inducements for trade. A healthy immigration is a boon to any state and is courted by all. A good immigration of homebuilders and enterprising industrial and manufacturing people would be a great advantage to our state and a business benefit to all commercial and industrial pursuits; it would populate and develop our waste places; make the desolate plains productive of the various materials of commerce and manufacture, and establish factories where nor are houses importing from other states. We here in Texas have an empire of unoccupied territory, rich enough and with a climate favorable to the profitable growth of nearly every product of this continent. These inducements properly presented to the people of the worn out, frigid, and high-priced-land states of the north and east, would induce many to come to Texas, be a benefit to the state and a blessing to the industrious immigrant.

- December 20, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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     The question of who is to blame for the lack of immigration the past two years is a thing of the past--a dead issue. The question now is, who will want to pull back? It is a question of work now for to-day and the future to atone for that which has not been done. The HERALD believes that people of Texas are in dead earnest, that the railroads will be willing co-operators, and that the result will be a great boom for Texas and thousands from the old states made happy and prosperous by their move to Texas.

- December 20, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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State Organization Agreed Up-
on and Perfected.

     AFTER Chairman Moody had finished his talk on accepting the chair yesterday, the proceedings were of a somewhat stormy nature, and much heated discussion was indulged in while it seemed impossible to keep down little local antagonistms which kept trying to crop out.
     In order to act in a business way with railroads, Col. Simpson offered a resolution providing for a committee of eleven for such purpose, a committeeman to be selected from each congressional district.
     Amendments and substitutes followed thick and fast and were as rapidly disposed of. The general demand of the convention seemed to be to find out what the railroads proposed to do, and in line with the desire for light on the subject Maj. R. G. Lowe, chairman of the Galveston delegation, arose and after a few preliminary remarks, asked to offer in reading a letter from W. H. Newman, third vice-president of the Mo. Pacific Ry. Co.
     The document is lengthy, but the important points in it are covered by the following extracts:

* * * "The heavy movement into Texas of actual settlers in former years has been during the months of September, October, November, December and January; the prospectors generally go into the State during the spring months. On this account, we do not think the results of the present movement to induce immigration into the State will be shown until the fall and winter months of next year, but active work should be commenced at once and agencies started early in the spring to induce propsectors to come into the State and look over the ground for the purpose of bringing the people they represent during the fall months of 1888." * * *
     As it is important that early action should be taken in the matter I hope it can be arranged that the conference between the railway people and this committee can be brought about at some point in Texas during the holiday week. I am to some extent selfish in this, as I have to be in the state during that week and would like very much to be present at such a conference. Should your Tuesday meeting agree upon a plan of this kind, I would suggest that you bring about this conference through a request that Mr. Waldo, chairman of the Texas roads, will invite the several lines to send representatives to such conference. Developments at the meeting may suggest some much better plan of handling this matter. When we discussed the matter some months ago, I little though that a suggestion from the Texas press to the people of that state would so soon develop the fact that the Texas people are alive to the necessity of encouraging immigration into the state and that it would have such a strong support on their part.
     The meeting on Tuesday willl develop whether there is a solid support on the part of the people behind the present agitation, and I think it will be found on the part of the railway companies that they will at once meet it with such promises as will give additional encouragement to the movement.
Yours, very truly,
W. H. N

     A delegate from Tom Green county offered an amendment to Col. Simpson's resolution requiring the committee to report at 10 o'clock this morning.
     This brought Mr. Paddock of Fort Worth to his feet in a fighting attitude against the resolution. He said that it would be impossible to get a conference with railroad managers until during the holidays and he moved to table the resolution, which was done after a great deal of discussion.
     Mr. Henderson of Hopkins, then offered a resolution that a committee of one from each senatorial delegation be appointed, by the respective delegations, to report the order of business at 10 o'clock this a.m. This resolution was lost for a time in the confusion that followed.
     Mr. Paddock wanted as a substitute, a committee of 31, consisting of one from each senatorial district, to draft an address setting forth the advantages of the state, a committee of 11, being one from each congressional district, to confer with the railroad managers of Texas and the Passenger Traffic Association on the subject of rates, and instructing each community to organize a board for the purpose of disseminating statistics and information about Texas. He supported his substitute by an address, after which followed more confusion and Mr. Browning took the floor in opposition to Mr. Paddock's substitute. Mr. Exall, Mr. Evans of Grayson, and Mr. Daugherty, all spoke in favor of state organization. Mr. Bryan T. Barry wanted local organizations. Upon a vote which was finally reached, the resolution and substitute were tabled by 689 ayes to 181 noes, the 18th, 14th, 20th, 23d and 25th districts voting no.
     Mr. Browning then offered a resolution creating a committee of 31, one from each senatorial district, to which resolutions of the place of work should be submitted before adoption by the convention. The resolution was adopted and the convention adjourned until 9 o'clock this morning.
     The folowing is the committee on resolutions:
     1. J. P. Cooke; 2, W. C. Bodford; 3 A. Pope; 4, J. Kiser; 5, R. M. Grahan; 6, W. R. Cote; 7, T. T. Gammage; 9, J. T. Bradley; 10, W. L. Moody; 12, E. Crew; 14, H. B. Stoddard; 15, Bryan T. Barry; 18, A. R. Collins; 10, J. M. Browning; 20, J. P. Smith; 22, J. R. Moore; 24, W. P. Gaines; 25, O. McGaffey; 26, V. Veldon; 27, W. A. Fitch; 28, F. B. Chilton; 29, Henry Sayles.
IR.-- We, the committee selected by your honorable body, beg to submit the following as a substitute for the resolutions referred to us:
     1st. That a committee of 31 be selected to be composed of 1 member from each senatorial district.
     That each senatorial district represented in this convention select at once, its members of said State committee, and that the senatorial districts not represented in this convention shall have the right to hereafter select their representatives in said committee to the end that all Texas may particiapate in the benefits of this organization.
     The said committee shall be known as the "Immigration Committee of Texas."
     2d. The members of said committee shall serve for the period of one year, or until their successors have been elected and qualify by accepting the trust.
     The members of said committee shall be selected hereafter by the people one from each senatorial district at such time as may be fixed by said committee--vacancies in the committee shall be filled by the senatorial district in which the vacancy occurs in such manner as the commitee may provide.
     3rd. The members of said committee shall receive no compensation for their services, but it is expected that each district will pay the actual expenses of its member.
     4th. The State committee shall elect from their own members such presiding officers and such committees as such committee may deem proper, and said committee shall have the power to provide what number of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and shall make all rules and regulations necessary for its own government. The committee may employ a secretary and such other agents as in its judgment may be necessary and fix the compensation of such employes.
     The committee shall have the power to make all other contracts necessary to carry out the purposes of its organization.
     6th. It shall be the duty of the State committee to hold a conference with the railroad authorities of the different systems of railroads having connections into the State of Texas, and with the authorities of railway companies operating in the State of Texas, to the end that the best possible rates may be obtained for prospectors, excursionists and immigrants into and through Texas in every direction.
     It shall further be the duty of said committee, as soon as may be practicable after said railroad conferences, to submit an address through such channels as said committee may deem best to the people of Texas, which address shall embrace a report of the conference of said committee with the railroad authorities, and shall also embrace a plan for local organizations for immigration purposes throughout the State, and the ways and means of raising the necessary funds to advertise the resources and advantages of the State to the world, to the end that every county in the State contributing to the immigration fund shall receive its equitable share in all advertisements, statistical reports or other printed matter published by or with the authority of said committee.
     It is the purpose of this organization to induce by a truthful representation of the advantages and resources of Travis, the investment of capital in the State and the immigration to the State of all law abiding people who may be seeking new homes, and it shall be the duty of said committee to do everything that may be necessary to accomplish said purposes. The details as to how the objects of this committee is above expressed shall be accomplished and entrusted to said committee.
     This is not intended to preclude any district, county or other subdivision of territory from advertising its resources to any extent it may deem proper.
     We respectfully suggest that the importance of this movement requires that the work of the committee shall commence at once and to the end that there may no delay, we suggestthat each senatorial district pay over at once to the representative selected by such senatorial district on said State committee the sum of $100 constitute a fund for said committee until funds can be raised through the county organizations.   

                                          W. L. MOODY, Chairman.

     After the second reading, the report of the committee was adopted over only one dissenting vote.
     Chairman Moody vacated the chair and called Vice-President Andrews to preside over the meeting.
     Tarlton, of Hill, called for 15 minutes recess in which time delegates could elect their senatorial district representatives for the State Central committee, which was granted.
     The house was called to order and pending the report from the districts, Mr. Browning offered a resolution requesting an appropriation from congress to be used in obtaining deep water on the Texas coasts, which passed.
     Another resolution requesting the Texas legislature to take steps looking towards the development of state mineral resources and providing for a state geological survey, was offered and passed.
     Reports from senatorial districts were then handed in and shows the State Central Immigration Committee made up of the following names:
1, Jams P. Cook, of Liberty,
2, W. S. Moss, Sr., Henderson.
3, Jas. H. Carter, Marshall.
4, J. H. Henderson, Texarkana.
5, R. M. Henderson, Sulphur Springs.
6, S. Zukeoman, Mineola.
7, E. C. Dickerson (all given)
8, T. C. Foster (all given)
9, John T. Bradley, of Houston.
10, H. M. Truehart, of Galveston.
11, W. J. Caven. (all given)
12, D. C. Giddings, of Brenham.
13 and 14, ----- ---------
15, B. T. Barry, of Corsicana.
16, J. S. Daugherty, of Dallas.
17, H. M. Spaulding. (all given)
18, A. R. Collins. (all given)
19, W. B. Plemmons, of Armovilla (sic)
20, J. Peter Smith, of Fort Worth.
21, J. R. Thompson. (all given)
22, J. H. Finks. (all given)
23, Geo. C. Pendleton, of Belton.
24, Joseph Nallie, of Austin.
25, J. B. Bridges, of Luling.
26, J. M. Bronson. (all given)
27, S. P. Simpson (all given)
28, T. B. Chilton, of Pecos City.
29, Henry Sayles, of Austin.
30, A. R. Barney. (all given)
31, W. J. Levain, of Clarksville.

     Austin, through one of her representatives, extended a general invitation to the people of Texas to attend the dedication celebreties of the State capitol which occur next month.
     The convention was called to order at 2:30 this afternoon.
     Judge Watts of Weatherford read a set of resolutions offsetting the impression created abroad from false statements that Texas does not want immigration. The resolutions were adopted.
     At this juncture, Col. D. C. Giddings for the State central committee, stated that the committee had a consultation with railroad men who were here, in the parlors of the Grand Windsor, and that it was agreed that the committee should meet a full representation of all railroads of the State and those leading into it in the Merchants' Exchange at Dallas the 29th instant at 10 o'clock a.m. He further added that a full representation of the members of the committee be present, as permanent organization would be effected at that meetin. Upon motion, the report was adopted.
     A Grayson county delegate then offered resolutions on the homestead law requesting its amendment adversly to the interest it now protects. This proved a fire brand, but was extinguished by a very decided vote.
     Adjourned sine die at 3:30.

- December 21, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, pp. 2 & 3.
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     The immigation convention, which is now in session in Dallas, composed of business men from all parts of the State, is doing good for the cause of Texas development. The work of the convention is not complete; but good feeling between the people and railroads, and good results are already to be seen.

     Mr. John Howard, of Wichita Falls, who was the first man to suggest and urge this work upon the papers, who all along has given it very active support, is the traveling passenger agent of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, and to-day he sent the following telegram which speaks for itself, and which will no doubt bring the desired low rate:

DALLAS, TEX., 12-21-87.
          J. L. G. C
HARLTON, G. P. A., M. & O. R'y,
St. Louis, Mo.,
     The Texas Immigration Association have met, organized and decided to commence business at once. A large fund for advertising purposes, &c., has been raised. All railroads in the state are represented and are favorable to the move. I consider it a rare opportunity for the Mobile & Ohio to advertise and make herself immensely popular with the people both in and out of Texas by being the first road to place on sale both round trip and straight tickets from St. Louis and other points to all Texas points in connection with the Cotton Belt and other lines at low rates. I trust you will look favorable on this matter. Should you so decide, please wire me at once that I may advise the representatives of the people here assembled. I think this is a move of the greatest importance, and if we take the inititation step, it will immediately make us the most popular route to the great southwest. (Signed,) JOHN HAWARD.
Traveling Passenger Agent Mobile & Ohio Railway.

- December 21, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2 & 3.
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American Citizens.

     Emil Fritz and Jacob Waespi filed application for final naturalization papers this morning.

[circa] May 2,1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. ?, col. 3.
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[No Heading]

     The tide of immigration is turning into Texas...the Memphis and Little Rock road, during three days of this month, handled 2,000 excursionists whose destination was Texas.

- July 31,1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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Richard Couch, the Immigration
Missionary, Heard From.

     Col. Exall stated this morning that information received from Mr. Richard Couch, the authorized immigration agent of Dallas, who is in Illinois, is of the most encouraging character. The people of that state are making extensive enquiry regarding property and the general outlook in this city as a field for the successful operation of manufactories. He writes that he is working up an excursion from that section to Dallas, and a large number of people are preparing to join it and visit the city on a tour of personal inspection within the next sixty days.
     Mr. Couch desires it stated that he will gladly receive and distribute general information relative to the advantages and resources of this city or section, as assistance in this direction will prove advantageous in forwarding the cause. His address is Richard Couch, northern immigration office, Decatur, Ill.
     Col. Exall states that the work is practical, earnest and to the point.

- January 5, 1889, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
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Dallas County
Statistics from the Agricultural Report.

Population in 1880: 38,488 in 1887: 77,323
males: 39,721
females: 37,602

Americans: 53,789
Colored: 8,427
English: 1,896
Germans: 4,332
French, 1,269
Danes: 593
Hebrews: 1,179
Irish: 3,764
Italians: 213
Mexicans: 187
Spanish: 128
Swedes: 615
Norwegians: 49
Poles: 13
Russians: 196
Chinese: 33
Scotch: 429
of all other nations: 211
In the county: 13,779 white families and 1,404 colored families.

- January 29, 1889, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3-4.
- o o o -

Record of the Courts.

14th District.

     Hyman Mittenthal, who has been a well-known resident of Dallas about 15 years, renounced his allegiance to the czar of Russian yesterday before Judge Burke and filed a declaration of his intention to become a citizen of the United States.

- January 1, 1891, Dallas Morning News, p. 12, col. 5.
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Fifty Aliens Naturalized up to
Last Evening.

     The chances are that the largest vote will be polled in this city next Tuesday in the history of Dallas. Politicians estimate that close onto 7000 votes will be cast. More than fifty had filed notice of their intention to become citizens of the United States: George B. Morris, Ireland; John B. Campbell, Canada; Jacob Wetzel, Bavaria; John Kanady, Ireland; John A. Goetz, Germany; Nigih Mareon, Syria; Naseff Coury, Syria; Joseph Jalanaty, Syria; Kaleel Horra, Syria; Julius Egger, Switzerland; John Hughes, Scotland; Sacob [Jacob?] Schaffner, Switzerland; Adolph Bernott, Germany; Rudolph Konzelman, Switzerland; Reinhard Frey, Baden; John Ferdnand Schneitter, Switzerland; Albert Grob, Switzerland; Michael Henry Peterman, Canada; G. G. Lepolese, Italy; Charley Hellwig, Germany; Alfred H. Hagerman, Canada; Charles E. Haggerty, Ireland; Patrick J. Buttler[Ireland?]; Pat Moran, Ireland; G. R. Luton[?], England; Hawkeen Jenson, Norway; Ephfrim Hoag, Germany; Soloman Schwartzman, Russia; Nick Negro, Italy; Pat Colin, [Ireland?]; John Donnely, [Ireland?]; Patrick James King, [Ireland?]; James Behan, [Ireland?]; Jerry O'Connor, Ireland; H. S. Baas, England; Thomas Firmano, Italy; Herman Eilrich, [Germany?]; Henry Mundt, [Germany?]; August Benat, Germany; Alexander Watson, Ireland; John J. Schaffner, Switzerland; Wm. Seire, Germany; Jas. S. McDonald, Nova Scotia; Wm. Andresen, Germany; Abe Katz, Hungary; Wm. Rupeter, Germany; Denny Roberts, Ireland; Stefano Famano, Italy; Andrew Yarrish, Poland; Abell Jalalatz, Syria.

- April 1, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 2.
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New Citizens.

     The following parties filed their declaration of intention to become citizens of the United States yesterday: Oak Hanson, Sweden; Cicero Mote, Italy; Joseph Tichlenstein, England; Jacob Nathanson, Russia; Robert W. Young, Germany; Leon Beyrle, France; Ernest W. Cooper, England; Louis Schniedka, Russia; Fred Bauer, A. H. F. Franner, Hanover; John E. Jacobson, Norway; Bert Johnson, Norway; Oscar W. Severnson, Norway; August E. Jacobson, Norway; E. A. Hoffman, Germany; Johannes Yensen, Norway; George Wascher, Switzerland; Patrick Carr, Ireland.

- April 3, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
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New Citizens.

     Wm. Such, Bohemia; H. Herneman, Germany; August Tychesen, Germany; Wm. Buerkle, Germany; Charles Linstram, Sweden; G. W. Johnson, Sweden; P. Arnoff, Russia; George King, Poland; Carle Carnato, Italy; August Miller, Switzerland; C. R. Johnson, Sweden; Adloph Ehert, Germany; Thomas E. Kinsella, Ireland; Thomas Mayall, England; Jacob Frietsch, Germany; Emile Nagel, Germany.

- April 3, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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To-Day By The Times-Herald

     Up to date, 100 citizens have been turned out of the naturalization hopper. The following parties declared their intentions yesterday: Sebastian Nute, Italy; Sourgi Mullasano, Italy; Giovanni Cucci, Italy; Guiseppa Biasini, Italy; Herman Michel, Germany; Henry Buttmeyer, Germany; John Friezch, German; George Ulbricht, Germany; J. H. Barker, England; John O'Day, Ireland; Michael Busch, Germany; Charles Schwick, Germany; H. Solomon, Russia; L. J. Lawsen, Sweden; Augustine Italia, Italy; Owen Kinsella, Fred Herzog, Germany; John Lawsen, Sweden; William Henry Sockett, England; Charles Stolzenberg, Andrew Reists, Germany; Louis Herbe, Bohemia; Louis Pulvermasher, Prussia; Victor Todaro, Italy; John Ryan, Ireland; Richard Auer, Germany; Gottlieb Kerner, Germany; Fred Schussler, Norway.

- April 4, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
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Numerous Small Thefts--A
Newsy Letter.

Special to the Times-Herald.
YLIE, Texas, June 12.-- ... Kleburg has in the person of Capt. H.[?] Soppitt, one of the few followers of the anomalous teachings of Tolstoi. Born in the great city of London, he came to this country to escape the---what he terms--disgusting servility of the lower classes to the aristocracy. Becoming a citizen of the United States, he joined the ranks of Democracy, of which he is a staunch supporter. The captain lives in a cosy blue painted cottage in which is a well stocked library replete with standard works on political economy. Beside his gate is erected a flag staff, and when there is a death in the community, the stars and stripes is fluttered at half mast. There is one day the captain celebrates, the fourth of July. He says the TIMES-HERALD is the only exponent of Democracy pure and simple that is published in the city of Dallas.

- June 12, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1-2.
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[No Heading]

     P. J. Butler took out final naturalization papers yesterday.

- July 29, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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Proceedings of the Courts.

     Crossman Vicevick, an Austrian, expressed his desire before Judge Tucker this morning to become a citizen of the United States and thereupon was granted initiation papers by the judge.

- November 10, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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Bishop Brennan to Promote Im-
migration to Texas.

     The Right Rev. Bishop Brennan has received so many letters from the older states and from abroad, asking information concerning this country, its resources and its possibilities, that he has determined to give shape and system to the movement toward Texas which his writings and discourses have inaugurated. The bishop proposes to encourage the coming here of people of some means, who will, at cone, identify themselves with the solid citizenship of this commonwealth. The following letter, under his hand and seal, shows that the movement will be actively conducted and that it gives promise of much success:
RO-CATHEDRAL OF THE SACRED HEART, Dallas, Tex., April 21. -- Desirous of directing in their own, the church's and the country's interests, a good class of immigrants to Texas, I hereby appoint the Rev. John F. Coffey, LL. D., my secretary, promoter of immigration for the diocese of Dallas, which in extent, fertility and resources is easily capable of sustaining a population of 12,000,000 or 15,000,000 people.
                                      Bishop of Dallas.

- April 27, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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     Ex parte vs. T. J. Roach; application for final naturalization papers; granted.

- May 6, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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     Ex Parte vs. John E. Swenson; application for final naturalization papers granted.

- May 25, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
- o o o -


     John A. Pope was granted final naturalization papers yesterday.

- May 31, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1-2.
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     B. C.[?] DeFreese application for final naturalization papers granted.

- June 10, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     John Tomsin and Thos. Cahalin were granted final naturalization papers.

- October 29, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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     H. E. Storkloff was granted final naturalization papers.

- October 31, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -


     AGENTS of the big steamship lines protest against congress closing the ports to home-seekers of other lands. The ports should be closed to criminals, to paupers and to adventurers, but the industrious and hardy haters of oppression, who wish to enjoy the blessings of republican institutions and erect homes in this country for themselves and their children, should not be barred. The Democratic party will never bow to the know nothing god and proscribe a man on account of his religion or his nationality. Bill Chandler of New Hampshire, a lineal descendant of Massachusetts witch burners and colonial tories, is the author of the bill pending in the senate. Chandler and his Radical colleagues should shoulder the responsibility of the same. Keep out the vicious and pauper criminals, but do not discriminate against the honest, the industrious and the intelligent.

- December 17, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -

Added August 2, 2004:
Judge Burke's Court.

Motion docket:

     Ex parte Fred Mithol; application for final papers of naturalization.

- February 13, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
- o o o -





Heavy Arrivals Also From the Old States,
Small Farms Being Looked For--Mr.
Morgan Says North Texas is Full
of Immigration Caravans.

     O. M. Morgan has just returned from a trip over a large portion of North Texas. He says immigration is pouring into the State in a human stream from Oklahoma and Indian Territories. The movement is particularly heavy around Gainesville and into Grayson and Collin Counties.
     Mr. Morgan saw ten families in one camp down near Wills Point, in Van Zandt County. They had come from Oklahoma and the Nation.
     All up and down the border line between Texas and Oklahoma and the Indian country, the roads, and in many places, the open prairie, are flecked with caravans of immigration wagons.
     In addition to the great influx from her northern neighbors, north Texas is receiving thousands of home-seekers and prospectors from the old states.
     Mr. Morgan says there is also a considerable movement toward South Texas. The opening of the mouth of the Brazos has made the country tributary to it desirable for modern farming, and in many places, lands have increased from $3 to $30 per aces. The new-comers are mostly looking for small farms. The bulk of them are well-to-do financially and have had good farming experience, and are better equipped than immigrants usually are.

- August 25, 1894, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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Two More Citizens.

     Frank Barbian and Henry Harbrecht, of Wittenberg, Germany, were admitted to American citizenship in Judge Gray's court this morning.

- October 5, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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     Ex parte, John Evans, application for final naturalization papers, granted.
     New suit filed: Ex parte, John Evans, application for final letters of naturalization.

- June 7, 1899, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8.
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